The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tomczyk at 8.30 P.M. Also
present were Committee Member Treba, Mayor Salentine and those persons
as per attached list. Ald. Penovich was absent.
Representatives from Waste Management Company, Mr. Jim O'Connor and
Mr -Henry Koch and representatives from the DNR, Mr, John Nelson and
j Mr. Arthur Glor were present to discuss contamination of wells near
the landfill site.
Mr. Henry Koch, engineer from Waste Management gave a detailed presentation
on the present site, and stated the Muskego site was the most engineered
site in the State of Wisconsin, and the DNR has required monitor wells
on the premises. Waste Management has added additional wells above and
beyond the DNR, requirements and is in the process of testing private
wells. At this time 21 private wells have been tested with four wells
having sources of contamination. An indication of problem areas is a
hardness halo over the site, which is at this time not present. Waste
Management will submit their report within two weeks.
At the present time Waste Management and Muskego Rendering have taken
a joint acceptance of a temporary responsibility until the problem is
further evaluated.
• After the report is finalized, the DNR will need at least a month to
review the report and at that time it will be determined how far and to
what degree the wells are effected It will possibly be in Spring of
1983 before results are finalized, and later to find a solution.
Mr. Arthur Glor of the DNR stated that the DNR would try to suggest
a correction with all groups involved agreeing on a comprehensive
Mr. O'Connor of Waste Management requested a permit renewal, the present
permit expires January 8, 1983.
Since only two committee members were present, Alderman Treba made the
motion to request Waste Management be in attendance at the October 26th
Common Council meeting for the purpose of answering any questions, and
giving a report concerning the permit renewal. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk.
The meeting adjourned at 10 00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Blender Treba, Sec'y
Public Welfare Committee