• The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tomczyk at 8.20 P.M. Also
present were Committee Members Penovich and Treba, Mayor Salentine,
Chief Scholz and representatives from Waste Management and the DNR and
those persons as per the attached list.
Mr. Dotson, Chief Technician for RVS Cablevision, appeared before the
committee along with Chief Scholz, requesting the lease agreement for
land where the cable TV 199 ft. tower will be placed. Ald. Penovich
moved to recommend the agreement for the land lease for the tower be
executed, subject to an amendment of the CATV ordinance relating to
the location of the tower. The legal description to be inserted by
the Building Inspection Department. Motion seconded by Ald. Tomczyk
and carried. Ald. Treba advised the committee that Ordinance #388
(Cable TV Franchise), Sec. 12.19, Ch. 12 of the Municipal Code (Item 17)
states that the grantee (RVS) will not locate a tower in the City of
Muskego. In order to erect the needed tower for cable TV an amendment
to the ordinance will be necessary. Mr. Steffan, President of RVS,
will be contacted to attend the next meeting of the Rules, Laws &
Ordinance Committee on Thursday, September 16, 1982, to discuss the
necessary ordinance change.
Representatives of the State Department of Natural Resources were
present along with representatives from Waste Management to discuss
problems of contamination to water at two Muskego residences, located
at S85 W21412 and S85 W21364 W. Janesville Rd., south of the landfill
• site which is operated by Waste Management, Attorney James Morgan,
representing Waste Mangement, advised the two wells tested contained
lead and chloride levels exceeding the safe drinking water levels.
Waste Management is providing the Kent and Johnson residences with
bottled water indefinitely. Further testing of wells will be started
immediately and reports of same will be submitted to the Welfare
Committee as soon as they are available. Considerable discussion was
held by residents as to what was the cause and what will be the
solution. Concern was shown by the residents in attendance with the
DNR on why procedures seem to be lacking to bring up problems to
the city when they are detected by the DNR. Chairman Tomczyk expressed
his concern of the samples being filed and not being reviewed. The
landfill problem will be discussed at the next Welfare Committee
meeting when the results of more well testing will be completed.
Discussion was held regarding correspondence relating to having the
entire City of Muskego under one zip code number. This possibly
had been initiated by the Muskego Chamber of Commerce, however,
according to Mr. Glenn A. Metzdorf of the U. S. Postal Service,
Washington, D. C., a survey was taken in 1978 and at that time the
residents not using Muskego's zip code were not in favor of the change
and according to Mr. Metzdorf, it is done this way to decrease man-
power and transportation costs and would be less efficient.
Discussion was held on the rules and regulations submitted by Mayor
Salentine for the use of city hall building facilities. All appli-
cations are to be filed with the city clerk for building privileges.
The only changes of the rules and regulations were the meeting room
hours for the Lions Den which would be 8 30 A.M. with no evening
time limit and the lower level which would be 4 30 P.M. (Mon. thru
Thurs.) with no evening limit time set. Individual or organization
would be responsible for lockup if last to leave the building. Ald.
Treba moved to accept the rules and regulations. Seconded by Ald.
Tomczyk. Motion carried.
Ald. Tomczyk moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Penovich. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 10 25 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Blenda Treba, Sec'y.
BT/je Public Welfare Committee