The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tomczyk at 6:00 P.M.
Also present were Committee Members Penovich and Treba, Mayor Salen-
time and Police Chief Scholz.
Mr. Carl Wauer and Mr. Tom Seibert appeared before the committee
to explain new procedures used at the rendering plant, such as the
use of new filters which hopefully will take care of some new
complaints on the rendering plant of the past weekend. They felt
problems will be resolved by Monday, July 12th. They also advised
the ponds are in good working order.
The requested report from Don Greiner, of RVS Cablevision was read.
It stated that after considering the alternutives in locating a tower
and a request by the Muskego Chief of Police for the need for a
tower near the city hall, that RVS Cablevision Corporation has decided
to locate the tower where previously agreed to in the franchising
The committee discussed the concern of a resident who had complained
about installation of cable running along the side of his property
rather than down the back.
Considerable discussion took place regarding the application to park
isa camper trailer from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simandl. The residents
living nearing the property, known at Gardens Galore-U Pick Farm,
aired their dissatisfaction with the operation in their neighborhood.
The complaints were regarding extra noise, cars turning around in
their driveways, the people who were picking using the outhouse and
the general activity. Building Inspector, Gerald Lee, reported that
the outhouse on the grounds had been inspected and approved by the
Waukesha County Health Department. Mr. Lee was requested to obtain
this approval in written form. He also stated that the proper
information and the $15.00 fee for the temporary permit to occupy
has been submitted to the Building Inspection Department and they
are in compliance.
Ald. Tomczyk, along with the committee members, have referred the
the ordinances of the city regarding the parking of trailers within
the city to the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee for their review
to recommend a more binding and comprehensive law applying to all
types of trailers. The Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee will review
the matter at their July 22nd meeting. The committee recommended
to Common Council the approval of the temporary six-month permit to
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Simandl, permit to expire October 31, 1982.
The meeting adjourned at 7:20 P.M.
• Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Blenda Treba, Sec'y.
Mr -
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