The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tomczyk at 7:00 P.M. Also
present were Committee Members Aldermen Penovich and Treba, Police
Chief Scholz, Ald. Nilsson, Mr. Don Greiner, Mr. George Dotson and Mr.
(� Richard Steffen of the RVS Cablevision and the attached list of citizens.
1h -_
The progress report was given by the representatives of RVS Cablevision.
The pole permits have been applied for on March 19, 1982. Pole permits
are necessary from the electric and telephone companies to proceed
with the project. Easements are also necessary with regards to under-
ground cable easements and should be received within the next 60 to
90 days.
The next step will be the total design work and the inspection of
Considerable discussion took place concerning the height and location
of the tower. If the tower is to be located at the police department
it may have to go to a 225' height. This is due to the hills in the
northwest area of the city. If the tower is located at the police
department, because of the height it would need to be lighted and it
would be necessary to paint every three years. An alternate to the
police department site would be the old nike site where a tower of 60'
iswould be necessary, however, it would require fencing. The cost would
be approximately half of the police dept. site. Ald. Penovich suggested
every effort be made to locate it at the police department where there
would be less of a vandal problem and no land leasing costs. RVS will
be getting back with an accurate cost and definite tower heights
required within a week.
RVS Cablevision also was requested and agreed to give a monthly update
on their progress.
Underground work will be starting this month and all work must be done
contiguously throughout the city. Area to be started first will be
the Little Muskego Lake area. City area to be serviced will be addresses
of S83 and north or approximately the northern one-third of the city.
In answer to Ald. Nilsson as to when the first subscriptions might
be made available, RVS advised that it would be four to six months if
all runs smoothly.
Preliminary discussion on the renewal of contract between the City and
Waste Management of Wisconsin, Inc. took place. The present contract
- is up for renewal on October 1, 1983 with Carl and Lydia Wauer. The
contract is renewed every five years.
Discussion took place on how much and what is being dumped at the
• city dump. Ald. Tomczyk will ask Building Inspector Lee to check out
the dump reports.
Discussion was brought up to Chairman Tomczyk regarding two complaints
received by Ald. Treba on the rendering plant. Ald Tomczyk will
contact Carl Wauer on same.
Ald Tomczyk moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Penovich. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 8 04 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Blenda Treba, Sec'y.
Public Welfare Committee