PWM19810729PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 29, 1981 The meeting, was called to order at 7 31 P.M. by Chairman Radtke Also present were Committee Members Penovich and Steinberg, Ald Knudsen and Mayor Gottfried Mr Jim Shinners and Dick Steffen of • RVS Cablevision, Gerald Lee, Dr. Stroud and Ed and Pamela Schultz were also in attendance. *� Mr Ed Schultz appeared before the committee to discuss a problem he is experiencing with his neighbor, Mrs Griffith He explained that a light Mrs Griffith had erected on her property is a nusiance and he wishes it to be removed. Building Inspector Lee advised the committee that his department had been in contact with the Electric Company regarding the problem but no solution has been found as yet Ald. Penovich moved to direct the Building Inspector to advise Mrs. Griffith that either she shield the light to a greater extent than at present or that she remove or relocate the pole Seconded by Ald. Steinberg. Motion carried. Ald Steinberg moved that the Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee consider reviewing the ordinance regarding light. Seconded by Ald. Penovich Motion carried, Dr Stroud appeared at the meeting to discuss cable TV in Muskego. He listed six options the city could take, (1) Stop with cable at this time (2) Review RVS option (3) Take another look at Viacom (4) Go to another company - satelite and e.g. skycom (inferior service) (5) 'Municipal ownership (6)"Pig yback" on another city e g Milwaukee The committee authorized Or Stroud to meet with representatives of RVS and discuss the ordinance and other business changes with them Dr Stroud will report his findings to the committee at their next meeting The minutes of the meeting held June 11, 1981 were reviewed The committee discussed a tire problem Waste Management is claiming they have with tire disposal Aid Steinberg reviewed with the committee his findings regarding the problems of dumping tires in landfills He indicated that he had visited A & C Company who recycle tires He provided pictures of their operation Aid, Steinbepg advised the committee that in his opinion the disposal of tires in a landfill does create problems and is not a satisfactory way of disposal. The committee discussed the responsibility of Waste Management regarding this matter. It was their decision . to have the city attorney review the contract between Wauer, Waste Management and the city to determine what their responsibility in this matter is, if any. • Ald Knudsen asked the Welfare Committee if it would investigate the feasibility of city private garbage collection as opposed to having a dump site within the city limits Ald. Steinberg moved the Welfare Committee look into this problem Seconded by Ald Penovich Motion carried, Gerald Lee discussed with the committee a problem with the present holding tank agreement. He indicated that in his opinion the party executing the agreement must understand that in the event the city must handle effluent from the holding tanks the owner will be charged for such service Mayor Gottfried will develop an amendment to the proposed agreement and present it at the next Welfare Committee meeting Correspondence from Mr. Noll regarding sludge disposal was reviewed and placed on file. Ald. Steinberg moved to adjourn, Seconded by Ald Penovich. Motion • carried The meeting adjourned at 10;20 P 14 Respectfully submitted, MP/je \ Ald. Mitchel Penovich, Sec'y.