The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Radtke.
Also present were Committee Members Penovich and Steinberg, Mayor
Gottfried, Aldermen Knudsen, Dumke, Klenz and Salentine and those
persons as per the attached list
The committee left city hall accompanied by Ald. Knudsen and Mayor
Gottfried to personally view the Thomas Landfill site It was
established that the work was proceeding satisfactorily
Ald. Steinberg discussed cable TV. He stated that Muskego has a
choice to pick the type of programming it wants. He also discussed
municipal ownership of cable TV. He urged Mayor Gottfried to
oppose pending federal legislation on this matter. He also gave
Chairman Radtke material for Dr. Stroud regarding cable franchise
costs The next committee meeting will be scheduled when Dr. Stroud
will be available.
Mr. James McNally of the DNR appeared at the meeting to discuss a
proposed public access on Bass Bay. He advised that two sites are
presently being considered, those being at the end of Ladwig Drive
on lands owned by Audrey Oschmann and an area known as Sandy Beach.
The DNR favored the Ladwig Drive site. Ald. Dumke suggested the DNR
• look for another site on Big Muskego Lake. Mr. Estel Ellery also
opposed any site on Bass Bay. Ald Robert Klenz suggested that any
site on Big Muskego Lake could create problems because of moving bogs,
getting lost, etc. He indicated that he supported the objections of
the residents on Ladwig Drive and suggested that DNR take another look
at Sandy Beach Mayor Gottfried stated he also thought consideration
should be given to the people living on Ladwig Drive and that if the
site were to be on Bass Bay the Sandy Beach site should be given
serious consideration.
Mrs Rosemary Bednarek spoke in opposition against the Ladwig Drive
site She then showed the committee a petition she intends to
circulate regarding this matter
Mr. Ron Kutner expressed concern regarding the increased traffic
the Ladwig Drive site would generate.
Mr Jeffrey House spoke against the Ladwig Drive site as did several
other persons present at the meeting.
Ald. Knudsen spoke in favor of the Ladwig Drive site.
Chairman Radtke advised those present that the committee will keep
all concerned individuals posted on the progress being made in this
matter. He thanked the people in the audience for their kind attention
and interest.
• The Little Muskego Lake weed spraying program was then discussed.
Mr. Jim McNally and Mr. Bob Wakeman from the DNR and Jim Schmitt from
the Marine Biochemist Company discussed the procedure used in the
spraying of the lake. Mr. Schmitt advised the committee that there
was no heath hazard to the public from the chemicals used. Chairman
Radtke suggested to the representatives of Marine Biochemist that in
the future the Welfare Committee and the Parks and Recreation Department
• should be notified in advance before spraying takes place. He also
indicated that it would be helpful if the official newspaper were
notified. Mr. Schmitt indicated that there would be a second treat-
ment sometime this summer He stated that his company would do every-
thing in its power to notify the public before another spraying takes plac
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