PWM19810514• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MAY 14, 1981 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Radtke. Also present were Committee Members Steinberg and Penovich, Mayor Gottfried, Ald. Knudsen, Ald. Klenz, Mr. Dick Steffens and Jim Shinners of RVS, Building Inspector Jerry Lee, Dick Anderly, Mr. Don Kirkvold and Sun Reporter Vi Joy. Ald Penovich was chosen to be Secretary of the Welfare Committee. Mr. Richard Anderly and Mr. Don Kirkvold presented a written statement previously presented to the Public Safety Committee on March 19, 1981. On that day Ald. Knudsen suggested that the material be presented to the Public Welfare Committee. The statement was related to the disposal sites for the dredging of Little Muskego Lake. Chairman Radtke advised the material would be given to each committee member and discussed at a later date. Extensive discussion was held regarding proposed cable TV. Ald. Steinberg discussed numerous questions and news articles with Mr. Steffens and Mr. Shinners. Chairman Radtke advised the committee members that Via Com had withdrawn its application. Chairman Radtke suggested that no decision regarding cable TV until Dr. Stroud can discuss with the committee his thoughts regarding the proposal from • RVS as well as the other options available to the city. Ald. Steinberg moved to defer action on a decision until the next meeting. Seconded by Ald. Penovich. Motion carried. Mayor Gottfried advised the com- mittee that he will appoint the ascertainment committee after the cable TV franchise has been granted. Chairman Radtke distributed the present disaster plan which is used or would be used by the City of Muskego. The matter will be discussed in greater detail at a future meeting. Mayor Gottfried discussed with the committee the concern of the DNR regarding public access to Bass Bay/Big Muskego Lake. He reminded the committee that the Common Council had adopted a resolution agree- ing to cooperate in the development of an access site, however, they specifically excluded Bass Bay. Since the balance of the funds due the city from the DNR will not be given until the access question is settled it is necessary to take some action as quickly as possible. The two sites being considered on Bass Bay are the easterly property owned by Audrey Oschmann office Ladwig Drive and the Sandy Beach area. Mayor Gottfried indicated that the State wanted to know the city's preference and will have an appraisal made of the property as soon as that perference is made known. The committee agreed to make that decision at its next meeting. Ald. Steinberg moved to recommend to the Common Council that the city indicate its willingness to provide a public access to Big Muskego Lake from Bass Bay. Seconded by Ald. Penovich. Motion carried. is The committee discussed the Thomas Landfill site located in the area Racine Ave. and Tans Drive. Zoning Officer Lee reviewed the status of the site for the committee members. The committee will meet at the site prior to their next meeting to review the restoration progress. The matter of tire disposal was deferred to the next meeting. Mr. Lee discussed the present holding tank agreement with the com- mittee. He suggested the agreement be amended to indicate the city would permit effluent from holding tanks to be deposited in the northeast plant in the event the hauler's present facility is closed to him. The fee to be determined by the city. The matter was de- ferred to the next meeting. Ald. Steinberg moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Penovich. Motion carried The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, MP/je Mitchel Penovich, Sec'y.