The meeting was called to order at 8 15 P.M by Chairman Weed. Also
present were Committee Members Steinberg and Van Lanen Others in
attendance were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Knudsen and Radtke, Mr.
Shinners of RVS and Mr. Brad Anderson
Ideas were again exchanged pertaining to cable television proposals.
Extensive discussion took place on a cable TV consultant. Mr B
Anderson explained that the consultant fees would be paid by the winner
with the best proposal. Ald Van Lanen made a motion to recommend
to the Common Council the hiring of a cable TV consultant. The motion
included that Dr. Stroud of UWM be hired with cost to be charged to
the successful grantee of the franchise Second by Ald. Steinberg
Motion carried 2-0. Ald. Steinberg will contact Dr. Stroud for a
tentative contract to represent the city.
Again, discussion was held about a citizen ascertainment committee.
Mayor Gottfried will appoint the committee and its chairman using 21
of the 35 names submitted by the aldermen
Upon the committee's request, Mayor Gottfried will contact Mr Little
of Wauwatosa for a copy of their cable ordinance.
A letter from the Cable TV Information Center was read, along with a
letter from City Attorney Molter dated 12/8/80, Both placed on file
Ald. Knudsen drew our attention to the Thomas Landfill site. He
would like the Building Inspector to monitor the site because of
septic tank dumping trucks coming from Milwaukee. Also rodents were
observed at the site.
Mayor Gottfried will invite Mr Ray Christiansen who was appointed by
the Mayor as liaison between senior citizens and the Welfare Committee
to attend the next Welfare meeting to give an update on senior citizen
Ald. Van Lanen moved to adjourn
adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
W- .. TVL/ j e
Seconded by Ald. Weed. The meeting
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Thomas J. Van Lanen