PWM19800825c PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 25, 1980 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Weed at 8 15 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Steinberg and Van Lanen. Also present were Aldermen Dumke, Radtke, Salentine, Knudsen and Mr. Vic Chambers. Aid. Knudsen discussed an ad in the local paper titled, "City of Muskego is Accepting Applications for Cable T.V." 3 Aid Weed suggested applications be sent to various companies interested in Muskego Cable T.V. Aid. Steinberg mentioned that of the original 14 Cable Companies interested in Mu sk-ege 7 have dropped their interest. (See attached list). Aid. Steinberg recommended that notices be sent by registered mail. Aid. Weed discussed a letter from the National League of Cities regarding Cable T.V. Aid. Weed responded, "Yes, to Mr. Vic Chamber's question, "Is Muskego a good community for Cable T.V." Copies, (see attached) titled Sample Invitation For Application For Small Communities, dated August 15, 1979 were distributed to all • aldermen. The four page copy contained information about a Minnesota application for a cable T.V_ franchise, which was to be prepared in accordance with the rules of the Minnesota Cable Com- munications Board and Local Self -Determination. Aid Steinberg shared the City of Milwaukee's proposed calendar or agenda for cable television which covers a span of time from March 1980 to November 1981. n LJ In presenting 25 points (see attached list) to be included in the cable T.V. Ordinance, Aid. Steinberg urged that first, "We ask what cable companies can provide and what they cannot provide," and secondly, "The franchise must be established as the city wants it, not the way the grantor wants it." =0-,- •- - A motion was made by Aid_ Van Lanen to include Aid. Steinberg's 25 notations in the City Ordinance on Cable T V , along with asking the City Attorney to simonize, scrutinize, and sanforize the application so it will apply only to the State of Wisconsin. Seconded by Ald. Steinberg. Motion carried 3 - 0. The committee will review the application before the next meeting. Applications will be sent out after 30 days interviews will be scheduled and a sample ordinance will be sent out. Aid. Knudsen suggested that a Cable T_V. ad be put in local newspapers. Aid. Van Lanen moved to adjourn at 10:00 P.M Motion carried 3 - 0. TVL/jh Seconded by Aid. Steinbe3 Respectfully submitted, Aid. Thomas Van Lanen, Se • --f Tv- i/2, j'Lrr