The meeting was called to order by Chairman Weed at 7:30 P.M.
Also present was Committee Member Steinberg, Mayor Gottfried, Ald.
Knudsen, Ald. Radtke, Mr. Don Otter, representing Waste Management
and Mr. and Mrs. John Helm and Dr. Gordon Drake.
Dr. Drake appeared before the committee to discuss the problems
he has experienced in his attempt to comply with the order from
the Waukesha County Health Department 'regarding his sewage disposal
system. He indicated that of the several options available to him
a holding tank seemed to be the most satisfactory. Chairman Weed
suggested that because of the difference in costs he should de-
termine from the County Health Department whether or not a mound
system would be possible. Dr. Drake was also advised to apply
for a holding tank permit immediately so that in the event the
mound system is not practical he would not be delayed. Ald
Steinberg moved to recommend to the Common Council approval of
a holding tank permit for Gordon Drake if it is found to be
necessary. Seconded by Ald Weed, Motion carried,
Mr. and Mrs. John Helm, W16012 5102 Heinrich Drive, appeared to
_ request a holding tank. They pointed out it was an existing house
• which has a defective onsite sewage disposal system. Ald, Weed
moved to recommend to the Common Council that the request for a
permit for a holding tank be granted. Seconded by Ald Steinberg.
Motion carried.
Mr. Don Otter of Waste Management discussed with the committee
the status of the landfill site in Muskego, He indicated that
there are no hazardous material as defined in the EPA rules and
regulations being brought to the site nor is it the intent of
Waste Management to request to do so from -the EPA. Mr. Otter
presented the committee with a survey which was taken indicating
that out of approximately 400 visitors to the site six were non-
residents. He indicated that a such a small number did not warrant
having an employee at the site to check the residency .of the people
using the landfill site. In answer to a question from Chairman
Weed Mr. Otter indicated that Wauer Lane is a private road which
is maintained by Waste Management,
Mr Otter discussed with the committee the status of the
proposal to develop the north portion of the property into
a landfill site. He indicated that it is still in the planning
stage and that it would take four to six months before a proposal
could be submitted to the DNR, Mr Otter further advised the
committee that if the city would endorse the possibility of expansion
of the landfill site his company would be willing to extend the
• present agreement, which terminates in January of 1983, for the
life of the present site which will probably be the middle of 1984
In the meantime his company would be submitting feasibility studies
and engineering data to the DNR for the use of the north 20 acres
of the site which could then extend the usefulness of the site for
landfill purposes until approximately 1990,
Ald. Knudsen requested the committee provide him with an updated
report of the status of the Tans Drive solid landfill site.
The committee discussed at length procedures which they follow as
they move towards interviewing companies interested in providing
cable TV to the City of Muskego. They agreed that other communities
could be contacted to determine the status of their negotiations,
that an application form should be agreed upon which would be sent
to the providers of cable TV and they agreed that a questionnaire
should be prepared which would be used when interviewing the different
companies. Chairman Weed indicated that in order to give all alder-
men an opportunity to participate in the development of the above
items that a special meeting of the Welfare Committee will be held
on Monday, August 25, 1980 at 8:00 P.M.
Ald. Steinberg moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald, Weed. The meeting
Respectfully submitted,
JJG/je\ Jerome Gottfried, Acting SE