The meeting was called to order by Chairman Weed at 7:00 P.M. Also
present were committee members Steinberg and Van Lanen. Also present
were Ald. Knudsen, Mr. and Mrs. Helm, Mr. Estel Ellery and Mr. James
Schinners from R.V.S. Cable Television.
49q0 A memo dated 7/9/80 addressed to Chairman Weed from City Clerk Stewart,
stated that Mr. Otter from Waste Management will meet with Mayor
Gottfried the week of July 13, 1980.
Discussion centered on who would be using the dump and what is to
be dumped there.
It is anticipated that Mr. Otter will present the committee with ways
and means of monitoring the dumping of toxic waste in both areas of
what is to be dumped and who will be allowed.
Ald. Knudsen suggested ways of improving services at the dump.
Ald. Weed questioned the location of a dump area as to leaving it where
it is or moving it across the road.
Ald. Knudsen and Ald. Steinberg suggested the placement of dumpsters
• or.luggers in various areas around the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Helm of W16012 S102 Heinrich Drive, attended -the meeting
requesting permission for a holding tank.
Prior to the Welf are Committee meeting on June 17, 1980 John D. Duber
City of Muskego, entered into a holding tank agreement with Muskego.
The agreement -was read and a correction -was made --in his name: --
A copy of.a letter to Mr. Al Erdman of the U.S. Soil Conservation
Service, from Mayor Gottfried, dated 5/30/80 was reviewed. The city
will await a response from Mr. Erdman.
Mr. Ellery was present to discuss the algae problems of Big Muskego
Lake and to make an oppeal to the committee to consider the problems
confronting Big Muskego Lake. Mr. Ellery drew our attention to the
problem of semi -treated sewage going tinto the lake. He requested
the Welfare Committee communicate with the Technical Coordinating
Committee as to the problems of algae on Big Muskego Lake.
New Business
A letter regarding Cable TV, dated June 10, 1980 from H, Carl Mueller,
U.W.M. was shared.
• Ald. Steinberg suggested that we get a reputable and responsible cable
company and asked that the committee be cautious as to getting just
any cable T.V. contract.
Other suggestions followed:
1. Great scrutiny of the ordinance must be done before being sent to
Common Council.
2. Get a Dunn and Bradstreet rating.
3. Get the top four and negotiate.
Ald. Weed recommended that we get the facts; then decide.
The committee was unanimous in agreeing that caution should be followed.
Guidelines of performances should be adhered to. The least restrictive
means should be followed with the best interest of the community con-
sidered before a Cable T.V. contract and/or ordinance is mandated by
the Common Council.