The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M, by Chairman Weed, Also
present were Committee Members Van Lanen and Steinberg, Ald, Knudsen,
Mayor Gottfried, Mr. Donald Otter and Mr. George Meinholz from Waste
Management of Wisconsin, Inc, and Sentinel Reporter Kevin Carmody.
Waste Management Representatives Otter and Meinholz, present operators
.� of the nearly 100 acre landfill at 21200 W. Janesville Rd,, were
present to ask the committee to study a possible 25 acre expansion
of the landfill site to be located adjacent to the present one.
The landfill is scheduled to be filled by 1983 when the current con-
tract with Waste Management expires. The contract prohibits expansion
of the landfill into the 25 acres now being considered north of
Wauer Lane,
Mr, Otter said a preliminary study showed that the site and soils
were suitable for expansion, adding that further discussion would have
to wait at least several months until a final engineering study would
be available,
According to a recent study of future landfill sites in Waukesha and
Washington Counties, officials from both counties said the Muskego
- landfill expansion should be considered,
The Mayor said that the city could face a severe waste disposal problem
by 1985 if the city landfill is not expanded,
Extensive discussion regarding plans for future landfill sites took
Concerns about lecate (polluted or contaminated water) in the disposal
site were expressed by Alderman Steinberg,
Alderman Van Lanen questioned the possibility of non-Muskego residents
dumping in our site and the lack of monitoring toxic materials
dumped there.
At the next meeting Chairman Weed will ask Mr. Otter the question of
having better coverage of the dump site regarding its users, in that
Muskego public'only be allowed to dump there.
Alderman Knudsen stated his concern over lecate in older dump sites
Discussion will continue at the next meeting.
Alderman Steinberg moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald, Van Lanen.
Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:42 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald, Thomas Van Lanen, Secly.