. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Weed at 8:00 P.M.
Also present were Committee Members Tomczyk and Van Lanen, Ald.
Pietruszynski and Mayor Gottfried.
The committee discussed the progress of its efforts to acquire
sample ordinances to be used for the development of a cable TV
program. Sample ordinances from Waukesha, Hales Corners and RVC
were referred to the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee in order
that an ordinance applicable to Muskego's needs could be developed.
As soon as the ordinance is approved by the Common Council the
committee will begin interviewing cable TV companies who might
be interested in serving the City of Muskego. The communities
in the area who presently have cable TV will also be contacted
for their comments.
Mayor Gottfried indicated that he has not heard from the Soil
Conservation Department regarding the city's efforts to help
reduce erosion into Kingston Bay.
• Ald. Tomczyk moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M.
After the adjournment of the above meeting it was discovered that
the meeting should have begun at 8:30 P.M. and not 8:00 P.M.
Mr. Tom Ludwig had appeared to request permission for a holding
tank. This matter will be discussed at the next Common Council
Representatives of Waste Management also had appeared to review
with the committee their plans for the Wauer Landfill site
They will be invited to a future meeting.
` /Rem`'" ctfullsubmitted,
p R.Tomczyk, RaR 1 Se
. CITY OF WAUKESHA --Has Contracted with RVS -(Cable Vision Corp.)
Has been in operation for two years
They have had little or no complaints
regarding installation, etc.
CITY OF WAUWATOSA - Has contracted with RVS•
CITY OF BROOKFIELD - Has had many requests for cable TV Has not contracted with anyone as yet
West Milwaukee
Beloit (Cable TV in operation)
Madison (Cable TV in operation)
• Green Bay (Has ordinance, however, construction has not started)
Kenosha (Has no ordinance)
Milwaukee (Is presently revising their ordinance - has hired
outside consultant - suppose to be finished later in 1980
with report
Greenfield - has set May 7th as their first evening to interview
interested firms - they will give a one hour pre-
sentation - They will interview two a night -
As soon as he prepares his list of interested firms
he will send us a copy.