PWM19800117• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 17, 1980 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Weed at 8:30 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Tomczyk and Van Lanen, Mayor Gottfried, Ald. Salentine and Building Inspector Lee. 4a In answer to a question at the previous meeting by Ald. Van Lanen, Mayor Gottfried provided the committee with a list of services available to senior citizens in the City of Muskego and reviewed the history of the proposed hotili.ne for senior citizens. Mr. Ray Christenson, senior citizen liaison person, reviewed with the committee his thoughts and recommended that the Library's Outreach Program develop the hotline service. He presented to the committee a report by Librarian Kathy Horton expressing her views on the matter. Ald. Van Lanen moved that the committee support the proposed hotline and Outreach Program. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. Mayor Gottfried indicated he would advise Kathy Horton of that support. Mr. Alvin Schaefer appeared at the request of Mayor Gottfried to discuss his farm operations. Also present were several residents of the Kingston Bay area. Mayor Gottfried indicated that concerns had been expressed regarding his farm operation and its affect on Kingston Bay. Of particular concern was the washing of manure from • calves and pigs into the bay. Mayor Gottfried assured Mr. Schaefer of the city's willingness to work with him through whatever state and federal agencies are available to help minimize the problem. Mr. Schaefer stated he no longer is involved in dairying and that presently he is raising calves (approximately 20 head) and hogs (approximately 100) for market. He further indicated that in inclement weather the manure is stored on a concrete platform other- wise it is spread daily onto his fields. Mr. Schaefer stated that his operation is his only means of supporting his family He said that he would be willing to cooperate with the city to alleviate the problem. Mr. Schaefer and the committee answered several questions which were raised by citizens in attendance at the meeting. Mr. Dennis Neubert advised the committee that along with the potential pollution problem the odors which have been emanating from the barn yard during the past year should be given some attention. Ald. Wayne Salentine stated there is outside funding which might be available although somewhat limited. He indicated that at the present time any efforts which involve state or federal funding were done on a 50 - 50 basis. Mayor Gottfried indicated that Mr. Al Erdmann, Soil Conservation Dept., will be contacted immediately for his suggestions. Chairman Weed promised to keep interested parties informed of the progress of the city's efforts. The committee acknowledged receipt of a communication from Waste • Management of Wisconsin indicating the total volume of waste for the fourth quarter of 1979 was 31,879.38 tons. Same placed on file. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M. Re ctfull�'C ted, + Ralp R. Tomczyk, Sec RT/je