The meeting was called to order at 7:20 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos.
Also present were Committee Member Ald. Van Lanen, Mayor Gottfried
and Mr. Ed Turzinski.
The minutes of the meeting held 6/27/79 were reviewed and placed on
file. Ald. Van Lanen moved to approve same, seconded by Ald. Pienkos
Motion carried.
Old Business
Ald. Pienkos will contact Chief Scholz regarding a method of seeking
volunteers for the "People Helping People" program. Ald. Pienkos
will report back to the committee.
The landfill contract with Waste Management will be discussed at the
next meeting of the committee. Representatives of Waste Management,
Donohue & Associates and the DNR will be invited to that meeting to
discuss the contract for 1983.
New Business
Mr. Herbert Albrecht, 5103 W14207 Loomis Drive, made a formal request
for a 3,000 gallon holding tank. Mr. Albrecht has title to an existing
home at the above address Ald. Van Lanen moved to recommend to the
Common -Council approval of the.installation of a holding tank for
Herbert Albrecht subject to a $1, at the above listed
address. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos. Motion carried.
Mayor Gottfried reviewed and discussed with the committee plans to
assist the elderly. Mayor Gottfried will reveal his plans for a
senior citizen committee in the near future.
Mr Ed Turzinski presentEdto the committee for their review a copy
of the April, 1979 Bureau of Aging Policy Statement No. 4, entitled,
County Plan for Older People. He also presented acopy of Summary of
the Proposed FY 1980 Wisconsin State Plan on Aging, dated June 15,
1979 (See attached)
Ald. Van Lanen suggested a person be appointed by the Mayor to be a
liaison person to keep the lines of communication open between Ms.
Chris Wilson, Director of the Waukesha County Department on Aging,
and the Welfare Committee. A major role of the liaison person will
be to inform Ms. Wilson of the needs of the elderly of Muskego.
Chairman Pienkos and Ald. Van Lanen stated the Welfare Committee
will volunteer support to assist the liaison person. Mr. Turzinski
• suggested the lines of communication be opened between the two
Waukesha County Supervisors representing Muskego regarding the needs
of the elderly. Communicating with the two supervisors could also
be a role of the liaison person.
Ald. Van Lanen moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas J. Van Lanen, Secretary
Public Welfare Committee
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