PWM19790627• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JUNE 27, 1979 The meeting was called to order at 7 33 P.M. Present were Chairman Pienkos, Committee Members Ald. Weed and Ald. Salentine. Building Inspector Lee and Ms. Chris Wilson arrived at 8:30 P.M. Also present were those as per the attached list. The minutes of the 5/23/79 meeting were read and approved. Mrs. James Feldman appeared to discuss her interest in the dog warden position. She expressed a sincere desire and interest in caring for cats and dogs. Mrs. Feldman will appear at the Safety Committee meeting which will be held on July 11, 1979 at 7:00 P.M. to discuss her interest in the dog warden job. Sludge applications were discussed extensively. The Saturday, June 23, 1979 tour of the application sites was discussed. Mr. Lee indicated the committee viewed many sites that may not be considered for sludge application. Chairman Pienkos was pleased the committee took the time and effort to view the sites so as to gather insights as to the proposed application sites. Discussion centered on the Moser property in the 7th District. Mrs. Moser apparently has informed the renter of her property she does not want sludge applied. Mr. and Mrs. Zlensky spoke against sludge applications. Mr. Zlensky stated Franklin has banned applications. He presented the attached article from the 6/27/79 issue of the Post Newspaper. Ald. Van Lanen stated his concerns regarding sludge applications in the area of Guernsey Meadows Sub- division and a populace area. Mr. Robert Henrichs expressed his concern about the "heavy metals" in the sludge, especially cadmium being deposited into the soil. Ald. Salentine informed the committee of an area near Crowbar Road and Highway 24 (King property) that may be a good site for a sludge application. He indicated a tri a1 area away from populated areas, subdivisions and waterways may be a beneficial test site. Ald. Pienkos indicated sludge applications could be beneficial to farmers but he had questions as to benefits to the city. Several citizens expressed concerns about sludge getting into waterways and wells and the effect it could have on drinking water. Mr. Hemke stated that Waukesha County and the City should follow the lead of Racine County and have the health department inspect the sludge applications sites before and after the application if it is indeed applied. He stated that to date, "out of 16 surrounding communities only one has given a definite yes to sludge spreading." Mr. Dave Krutz suggested the committee seek information from surrounding communities before sludge is applied. Ald. Weed moved to deny all sludge applications. Seconded by Ald. • Van Lanen. Motion carried 3 - 0. The committee has gone on record to deny all sludge applications. Chairman Pienkos read the June 4, 1979 letter to Mayor Gottfried from Donohue & Associates, Inc., regarding a joint solid waste management planning project. Placed on file. The landfill contract will be discussed at a future meeting based on Waste Management's request for a 60 day delay, "People helping People Program" was discussed. Mr. Lee indicated the important role mail carriers have and the post office. They can inform the Police Department or volunteers of a problem when mail is not picked up. Mr. and Mrs. William Schmidt appeared to discuss the seriousness of \a "rat problem" pursuant to the depositing of weeds from Little Muskego Lake. Mr. Schmidt stated that rats are making nests and burrowing into the weeds and eating the remains of fish and crayfish. An added problem with the stench and flies is also creating a health need and nuisance problem. Mr. Schmidt indicated the need to restrict or eliminate the dumping of weeds in residential areas because of the health hazard created by rats. Mr. Lee was aware of the weed depositing • Public Welfare Committee June 27, 1979 Page 2. problem and indicated his department would assist residential property owners. Mr. Bertram and the Public Works Committee will be made aware • of the problem and requested to stop depositing weeds on residential properties unless plowed under immediately. Ald. Pienkos will confer with Mr. Bertram regarding the rat problem. l J E The committee recessed at 8:50 P.M. and reconvened at 8 55 P.M. Ms. Chris Wilson, Director of the Waukesha County Department on Aging, (500 Riverview Ave., Waukesha, Wis, 544-8439, appeared and disbtributed pamphlets entitled "Senior Sources" - A Guide to Services for Older Adults of Waukesha County: The pamphlets will be placed on the counter at City Hall and in the Library. Ms. Wilson defined an "older" person, as anyone 60 years of age or older. She indicated that one of her primpary jobs is to obtain money to assist the elderly She suggested a proposal be written regarding the needs of Muskego's elderly citizens and presented to her. As of l/1/80, $130,000.00 (a block grant) will be given to the Dept. of Aging in Waukesha County for the needs of the elderly. In the future a grant may be forthcoming from the Department of Transportation to assist the elderly. A proposal may also be needed to identify the needs of Muskego's elderly. Ald. Pienkos discussed the importance of a regional transportation system not only for the elderly but for all citizens. He urged that federal monies be sought for this project. Ms. Wilson is going to request the Waukesha County Board appoint a Transportation Study Committee for the County. She plans to discuss the transportation needs of the elderly of Muskego and other communities. She is in favor of having each community handle their transportation needs on a local level. She also plans to seek out monies in order that they can be made available for the assisting of transportation needs. Mr. Hemke discussed the need for a passenger van or vehicle for the elderly, especially for the availa- bility of transporting Muskego's elderly to Jensen Center. Ms. Wilson will assume the duties of administering the nutrition program for Waukesha County in January, 1980. She is very interested in learning about the food and nutrition needs of the elderly and plans to work closely with the site councils at the senior citizen centers regarding menus and nutrition needs. The Welfare Committee discussed with Ms. Wilson ways to coordinate our efforts, 1) communicate with Ms. Wilson what the Welfare Committee is doing and what the newly appointed Senior Citizen Committee will be doing. 2.) Ms. Wilson will assist in helping Muskego find monies to assist Muskego's elderly. 3.) Inform Ms. Wilson what the role and responsible ties of the Senior Citizen Committee will be. Ald. Pienkos will consult with Mayor Gottfried as to what the committee will do to assist the elderly A letter dated 5/10/79 from Gerald Lee, directed to Mr. and Mrs. Kettner, was read and placed on file. A letter dated 6/12/79 to the Common Council from Mr. William Schmidt was read and placed on file. A letter dated 5/15/79 to Mr. Martin P. Heise was read and placed on file. Letters from Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District were reviewed and placed on file. ` A correspondence/memorandum dated 5/15/79 regarding Big Muskego Lake and \Bass Bay was reviewed and placed on file. A`,1971 report on Big Muskego Lake was reviewed and placed on file. Ald The n Lanen moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Weed. Motion carried. ting adjourned at 9:58 P.M. Respectfully submitted, TVL/ j e Ald. Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y. 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