The meeting was called to order at 7:46 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos.
Also present were Committee Members Weed and Van Lanen, Mr. Lee,
Milton Hemke, William Larson, Ed Turzinski, Charlotte Stewart,
Gary Stewart, Jerry Traeder, Denise Traeder, Jerry Rayeske from
10 Oak Creek and Peter Stark from the Milwaukee Sentinel.
The minutes of the May 1, 1979 meeting were read. Aid. Weed
moved to delete his name from paragraph 7. Motion seconded and
Aid. Pienkos thanked the people who provided boats and the tour
of the Bay and Big Muskego Lake on May 5, 1979. Aid. Van Lanen
stated his interest in touring the lake and bay in the summer
to observe the same problems. Aid. Pienkos related that the
Welfare Committee and the Sewer Committee will coordinate efforts
to discuss the needs of the bay and lake. Aid. Weed stressed the
importance of the Feasibility Study for the lake. Aid. Pienkos
suggested that the committee attend the next Sewer Committee
Meeting in June in support of Aid. Dumke and the combined effort.
Aid. Pienkos also mentioned the importance of the meeting with
Governor Dreyfus in Madison on June 5, 1979. He hopes to attend.
The Senior Citizens Study report dated November 14, 1978 was
41 discussed. Special consideration was given the five conclusions
and recommendations on page two; 1. medical 2. nutrition 3. trans-
portation 4. senior citizen center 5. easing the tax burden.
Mr. Turzinski discussed transportation for senior citizens in the
city and county of Waukesha, stressing the very vital needs for
transportation for Muskego senior citizens. He suggested that the
transportation program be handled on a local basis. The R.S.V.P.
(retired senior volunteer program) has to be on a locally controlled
Mr. Hemke informed us of the nutrition program for Senior Citizens.
Discussion centered on the health problems, diet, and menu. It
appears that attendance at the senior citizen meals is dropping due
to the lack of a varied menu or menu restrictions. Transportation is
also hindering the nutrition programs since people can't get to the
Aid. Van Lanen encouraged the invitation of County Supervisors Guhr
and Narlock to the next Welfare Committee meeting on June 27, 19/9
to offer assistance as to how the city can get financial help from
the county for the senior citizens.
Aid. Pienkos suggested that the committee contact Senator Adelman
• and Representative Rutkowski as to guiding senior citizens with the
tax structure.
The Public Welfare Committee is awaiting the appointment by the
Mayor of the Senior Citizen Study Committee for Senior Citizen's
needs. The Welfare Committee would like to combine efforts with the
new Senior Study Committee. Aid. Pienkos will talk to the Mayor
about appointing the committee members so co-operative efforts can
begin in the near future.
The Welfare Committee urges the Finance Committee to approve the $1,965.6�
for the half-time employee for the library. This individual is needed
to assist with the needs of our senior citizens & other citizens of the
Aid. Pienkos will contact Chief Scholz for suggestions as to the
Senior Citizen "Hot Line" and People Helping People.
Public Welfare Committee
• 5/23/79 - Page 2
Ald. Pienkos will also contact Ald. Ford for names of volunteers for
these two programs.
Mayor Gottfried will contact Waste Management and the D.N.R. to
discuss a landfill contract for 1983.
ie Mr. Lee and the committee discussed the Sludge Application to
Agriland. Attached letters and maps of the proposed sludge
application on Muskego lands were studied. A letter dated February
11 1979 was read. Mr. Lee distributed a sludge management booklet
and gave a brief history of sludge in which we learned that sludge
can only be applied after the corn harvest.
Mr. Larson, representing the concerned North Cape Road Coalition
members spoke about the sludge odor and heavy metals found in
sludge. Their grave concern is with the heavy metals getting into
streams, wells, etc, since no one knows what is in the sludge
(Industrial Waste).
Mr. Hemke reported on his findings after contacting 13 communities
about sludge application. He read a letter to the committee opposing
sludge application.
• Mr. Rayeske from Milwaukee Metro Sewage District gave an eloquent
description regarding their responsibilities of monitoring heavy
metals and waste water residue.
Mayor Gottfried will contact Milwaukee Metro Sewage District
(764-3555) regarding the new sludge application sites in Muskego.
Mr. Lee will notify the committee if in fact sludge will be applied
on land in Muskego. He will further accompany the committee at
9:00 A.M. on June 23, 1979 as they visit and view the proposed
sludge sites.
Ald. Pienkos suggested that at the next meeting representatives
from the D.N.R., Druml Company, Milwaukee Metro Sewage District and
farmers be invited to express their views.
Mr. Lee will be present at the June 27, 1979 meeting.
The committee discussed the feasibility of Public Transportation
extending into Muskego from Milwaukee County. Ald. Pienkos will
contact the Milwaukee Transport Company, State Legislatures Adelman
and Rutkowski and the Wisconsin Coach Lines for such information.
The Public Welfare Committee will discuss with Mr. Guhr and Mr.
Narlock the needs of Public Transportation in Muskego.
• Ald. Van Lanen moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Weed. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y
Public Welfare Committee