The meeting was called to order at 8 34 P M. by Chairman Pienkos Also
present were Committee Members Weed and Van Lanen, Dorothy Van Lanen,
Ald. Dumke, Mayor Gottfried, Gerald Lee and Milwaukee Sentinel Re-
porter JoAnn Scherei.
`The minutes of the 4/24/79 meeting were discussed. Ald Weed moved
to approve the minutes, as mailed. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen. Motion
The Senior Citizen's Study Committee Report will be discussed at the
May 23,_1979 Public Welfare meeting. The Senior Citizen's "hot-line"
and "People -helping -People " effort will also be discussed.
Ald. Van Lanen moved to recommend to the Finance Committee their approval
of the expenditure of approximately $1,965.66 for a half-time employee
for the library Seconded by Ald Weed. Motion carried unanimously
The quarterly landfill reports were read, discussed and placed on file.
The tonnage for the past three quarters was as follows
• October, 1978 _ 23,076 06 tons
January, 1979 26,342.5 tons
April, 1979 - 26,892.50 tons
The Landfill Contract with Waste Management will be discussed at
future meetings. Ald. Pienkos suggested representatives of Waste
Management, DNR and Mayor Gottfried be invited to a future meeting.
Ald. Van Lanen's memo regarding a bike path or walkway was read and
discussed. Pros and cons were given in terms of expense, location and
distance. Since the memo was referred to the Public Safety Committee
to be held on May 9, 1979, Ald Pienkos and Ald. Weed will at that
time discuss with Mr. Jorgenson of the State Highway Department the
feasibility of a bike path on S.T.H. 24. Mayor Gottfried was requested
to contact Mr. Vince Demshar, Waukesha County Highway Commissioner,
regarding a path on Racine Avenue. This may be an appropriate time
to ask since there is talk of the County working along Racine Ave in
the near future when they may put in abil�e path near city hall The
area of Guernsey Meadows, Parkland Mall and other areas of the city
will be discussed
"Slug e A plic tion to Agriland" letters dated 2/l/79 and 2/12/79 were
receMed pand paced on file Mr. Lee will be present at the 5/23/79
meeting to discuss application sites. Mayor Gottfried to contact
neighboring communities for information on sludge applications.
• A letter from Wilma Jacobson expressing her concern over the negligible
condition of Luther Parker Cemetery was reviewed. Mayor Gottfried will
communicate with Mrs. Jacobson advising her of the concern of botonists
regarding the removal of prairie grasses and prairie flowers.
Letter dated 10/1/78 from Ald. Van Lanen was read and placed on file.
The committee will meet at 10:00 A.M. at city hall on 5/5/79 for a visit
to view Bass Bay and Big Muskego Lake.
Ald. Van Lanen moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:40 P.M.
\ Respectfully submitted,
\ Ald. Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y.
\ Public Welfare Committee
TVL/je \