PWM19790424PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD APRIL 24, 1979 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pienkos at 7:35 P.M. Also present were Committee Members Weed and Van Lanen, Mayor Gottfried, Mrs. Dorothy Van Lanen and Mrs. Janice Heckert. The committee discussed the scheduling of regular meetings. It was the decision of the members of the committee to hold meetings on the fourth Wednesday of each month at 7:30 P.M. Agendas will be provided. Mayor Gottfried advised the members of the committee the purpose and the purview or domain of the Public Welfare Committee. He also stated the Welfare Committee shall be the liaison between the Park and Recreation Board and the Common Council.as well as the liaison between the senior citizens and the Common Council. Mayor Gottfried advised that he would expect any resolution introduced by the Welfare Committee to the Common Council to be introduced by the Chairman of the committee with a second by a committee member. If the chairman disagrees with the resolution, it should be so stated in • order that another member could introduce the resolution. Mayor Gottfried requested the Public Welfare Committee consider how the City of Muskego is going to dispose of trash and garbage after 1983. He asked the committee to review the present contract. Ald. Pienkos will discuss with Ald. Ford (former Welfare Committee Chairman) the report of the Senior Citizens Study Committee and the matters of the "hot line" service and the "people helping people" effort will be discussed at a future meeting. Mr. Jorgenson of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation will be present at the May 9, 1979, Public Safety Committee for the purpose of discussing S.T H. 24 and its needs. New Business Ald. Pienkos initiated the idea of having the committee visit Bass Bay and Big Muskego Lake as an informational meeting. The committee will meet at City Hall on Saturday, May 5, 1979 at 10:00 A.M. and drive to Bass Bay. Mayor Gottfried suggestedthat the committee arrange to have a boat tour of the lake. Ald. Pienkos will contact Mr. Estel Ellery and the news media. Impressions of the tour will be on the agenda of the May 23rd meeting. • Ald. Van Lanen submitted a memo dated 4/25/79 regarding a bicycle path or walkway along S.T.H. 24 from Guernsey Meadows to Parkland. The request for same, as submitted by Guernsey Meadows parents, was referred to the Public Safety Committee. Mayor Gottfried advised that approx- imately three years ago he had appointed a bike path committee, however, it was no longer in existence. Ald. Van Lanen introduced the possible need for alternative sources of energy for the future, stressing the use of windmills as displayed by the Windworks Company in Mukwonago. There being no further business Ald onded by Ald. Weed. Motion carried Van Lanen moved to adjourn. Sec - The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y. Public Welfare Committee TVL/ j e