PWM19780301• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MARCH 1, 1978 The meeting was called to order at 6*40 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos with committee members Tomczyk and Van Lanen present. Also present were Building Inspector Lee, Mayor Gottfried and several other • people whose names appear on the attached list. Ald. Tomczyk moved to approve the minutes of February 15, 1978. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen. Motion carried. Old Business Building Inspector Lee gave a detailed history as well as the present status of the American College project, stating that all files are in the City Attorney's office since legal action is being taken. The City Attorney has recently issued litigation proceedings against the American College building group. American College must comply with zoning. A trial date will be set in the future. Mr. Lee will keep the committee informed of the proceedings of the American College law suit. New Business • Mr. Tony Zinski, President of the Hillview Homes Association presented a petition (see attached sheet) and spoke in behalf of residents living on Hillside Drive. They would like to restore the Hillview access to its original state by planting grass to eliminate vehicle traffic entering the lake and to stop parking in the area. The Hillview Association members present indicated that they would plant the grass and maintain the area if it was restored to its original state. According to Mayor Gottfried, the D.N.R. has no jurisdiction over the public accesses. He stated that in this particular case they have nothing to say. He further stated that the city could deed the plat to the Hillview Farm Plat. Mayor Gottfried will check into the rights of and boundary lines of the Hillview Association and report to the committee before the next meeting on 3/15/78. Ald. Pienkos, a Safety Committee member, and Mayor Gottfried repeatedly stated that this access problem is the responsibility of the Safety Committee since that committee on February 22, 1978, adopted a motion to hold an informal public hearing before the Public Safety Committee to rectify the problem. Thus the Welfare Committee referred the people before it to the Safety Committee for a decision on the status of the access. The informal public hearing will be established by the Chairman of that Committee. Mayor Gottfried will contact Ald. Schaumberg for the date of the hearing which will be set as quickly as possible. • Mr. Zinski questioned the taking of minutes at committee meetings. Ald. Pienkos explained the problems of minute taking. Mayor Gottfried explained that information other than motions is not required in minutes. According to Roberts Rules of Order only the making of motions and voting on motions need be recorded. Correspondence A letter from the Department of Local Affairs and Development regarding available funds for a cardian pulmonary resuscitation program was read and placed on file. Ald. Pienkos contacted Waukesha Red Cross. Courses are available in C.P.R. A copy of the dates will be given to June Elger by Ald. Pienkos. W.C.T.I. also has a course however they have a waiting list. Alderman Van Lanen will contact City Attorney Buckley to get an opinion on the Good Samaritan Law. Ald. Tomczyk moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen Motion carried The meeting adjourned at 8 35 P.M. \ Respectfully submitted, TV/je Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y. NAMES OF PERSONS ATTENDING WELFARE MEETING OF 3/1/78 - n ff 71 LAI 3v✓wt u W_' %3. S713.7_gaQAJ� -r - - -- --- i I'=33IIA3Y 10, 1978 A-,',1 0 -7 8 2-2C -'7g L� 0 INA':E ,ie, the people residing on Hillview Drive in the City of :"uskego, State of ?isconsin, do now sign our names to this petition to be presented at the (,,elfere Committee), (Safety Co_^�iittee)(Common Council) meeting(s). We deg,=nd that the participants in the committee(s) take a second look Into closing Hillview Drive where it meets the Little Kuskego Lake, we reouest that the road be used only as a fire lane. L'uman lives in this area are being endan_,ered by wreckless vehicle drivers usin this steep, narrow, winding road (Hillview Drive) as an access to the la'Lre. He feel that a human life is more important and much more valuable to this city, than a danSerous lake access. This road should be closed now, before someone is seriously hurt. ADDRESS PHONE DATE SW w;-3(1� NiLCU,c 'DR G7/ cj3`J 7-iC-79 3.1 57'Vly36s Ndly;•eu) 7ct-3o75- a-Jo-7.) Z�n reL z1- •t 7i .vey�� 7/��ri:� �r • (�9-i87� a- co -7P 11 ti S7/ CJJ�ji9� �571 (k), W" . �79-oQ3S 679-- I,-7) A,�, X I, n;, cr-r/ i i,n t//, JJ- , AI („7Q- cM,-,(1 l- QL- %l %O '3RU .RY 109 1978 "e, the people residing on 'illview Drive in the City of I:uskego, S-.ate of .'isconsir_, do :ow sign our names to this petition to be presented at the telfare Co=-ittee), (Safety :ommittee), (Common Council) neetins(s). 71e e-.and that the participants in the cormi_tee(s) take a second look into closing Hillview Drive :,here it meets the Little I'uske-o Lake. We reouest that tl:e road be used only as a fire lane. Human lives in this area are being endan;ered by wreckless vehicle drivers using this steep, narrow, :cindina road (Hillview Drive) as an access to the lake. !-Te feel that a human life is --,ore i,-nortant and much more valuable to this city than a dangerous lake access. This road should be closed now, before someone is seriously 4jort. NAI"E A_)DRESS PHONE DATE ct�,7 y/ /iicc it/i ce vjz r; ?Y-oG C�0 �?-all- �O NL W t4! S7iyy 3.2, -xYss'e Z 17, vILI �uJ G/)9-/6/9 (r 74-17s& (07.9-/32­5 G 7 ? _37G > a-a/-9F a -? /-7g, = - 2 / -7.1� ,,? -2/ - 7-P .J- -�t�- 71' - ,z� 9O �tj 37(G, / , yUJ r,- 1/,Et.�; ��,t . lee 7 7;,,-=a-rti� �� I'l� �� jiGl 1-l.11�i i �ti.u,.� �� �� _�t�� Z i-2 %• ry /vJJ0 G7`i-3M5 PUBLIC WELFARE CO?2,11TTEE - CITY OF ML'SKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD MARCH 29, 1978 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pienkos at 6:36 P.M Also present were Committee Members Tomczyk and Van Lanen, Ald. Wallner, Mrs. Heckert, Mr. Zlensky and Mrs. Van Lanen. It was moved and seconded to approve the minutes of March 1, 1978. Passed 3-0. Old Business A letter from Attorney Buckley was received and placed on file. Accompanyin the letter was a copy of the recently enacted Good Samaritan Law (Chapter 164, Assembly Bill 96). In essence it says any person who.renders emerg- ency care at the scene of any emergency or accident in good faith shall be immune from civil liability for,his or her acts or missions in rendering such emergency -care. New Business Ald. Van Lanen asked that the speed limit be reduced on S.T.H. 24 from Racine Avenue to Bay Lane in an effort to prevent future accidents. Chairman Pienkos suggested that it be brought before the Safety Committee. . Ald. Van Lanen will contact Chief Kraus regarding the reduction of speed from 45 to 35 m.p.h. The response from Chief Kraus will be sent to the Safety Committee. Ald. Wallner discussed the article in the 3/29/78 Post entitled, "Civic Center Study Funded.". He was concerned and would like an explanation. The committee will check into the matter. Mr. Lee's letter dated 3/20/78 written about sludge after attending a conference at SEWRPC was received and placed on file. A memo from Southeastern Wisconsin Health System Agency, Inc. (see enclosed memo) was received and placed on file. Ald. Van Lanen moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:09 P.M. Respectfully submitted, • Ald. T. J. Van Lanen, Sec'y. Public Welfare Committee