PWM19780215• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD FEBRUARY 15, 1978 The meeting was called to order at 6:38 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos with committee members Tomczyk and Van Lanen present. Also present were Steve Busalacchi and Chief Werner Bierbach of the Tess Corners Volunteer Fire Department, Sun Reporter Vi Joy, Ald. Wallner, Mr. • George Trepanier, Mr. Milton Hemke and Mrs. Janice Heckert. Ald. Tomczyk moved to approve the minutes of 1/25/78. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen. Motion carried Old Business The committee discussed Energy Saving Stickers. Chief Bierbach and Captain Busalacchi informed us of the Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation Course. C.P.R. is a separate course taught by the Red Cross or Heart Association. At this time it is difficult to initiate a program because money, time and equipment are short, with only one certified C.P.R. instructor in the department. Mr. Trepanier has been approached by senior citizens for C.P R training and would like it open to all Muskego citizens. He hopes , • to have an instructor course initiated in the near future but lacks equipment. This is not a certification program but instructional in nature; to be knowledgable in case of an emergency. He presented to the committee two booklets from the American Red Cross on First Aid and C.P.R. (See attached copies). Busalacchi and Bierbach noted that any course taught must have the highest degree of rigid standards maintained and the legal aspects need to be adhered to for proper standard maintenance. Ald. Tomczyk will consult with Mayor Gottfried and City Clerk Bowyer about monies available for C P R. training. Ald. Pienkos said he would obtain information as to where citizens can be trained in Red Cross Training Courses in Waukesha County. The Good Samaritan Act and its protection of the emergency services people was discussed. An opinion from City Attorney Buckley re- garding the Good Samaritan Act will be requested by the committee At this time the committee is unclear as to the disposition of the American College. The committee requested a completed written report on the status of the college from Mr. Lee. City Attorney Buckley will be invited to a future meeting to discuss the status and legality of the American College and the apartments. Ald. Van Lanen's letter regarding snowmobile violations was read and discussed (Attached to minutes). • Ald Pienkos read correspondence pertaining to Sherwood Circle (See attached copy). Ald. Pienkos read a letter from Governor Schreiber dated February 1, 1978 about the 12th Annual Conference on being prepared for disasters A copy of this letter will be given to Mr. Trepanier. Ald. Tomczyk discussed a traffic problem on a cul de sac on Oak Ct.. He will survey the area and report back to the committee The committee acknowledge and discussed a memo presented by Mr. Milt Hemke regarding a referendum for appropriating funds for lake dredging. A copy of Mr. Hemke's memo will be sent to the Finance Committee for consideration. Mr. Hemke asked and the committee requests that copies of the previous year's capital budget be attached to the present capital budget. The next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 1, 1978. Ald Tomczyk moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:18 P.M. Respectfully submitted, TJVL/je �\ Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y. 0 • W182 S8200 RACINE AVENUE • MUSKEGO. WISCONSIN 53150 February 12, 1978 • Chairman, Alderman Mark Pienkos Public Welfare Committee Muskego City Hall W. 182 S. 8200 Racine Ave. Muskego, Wisconsin 53150 Dear -Chairman Pienkos, On February-5, 1978— L received a complaint from residents in Kristin Downs Subdivision regarding flagrant - trespassing violation's of their property by unkown -individuals driving' -snowmobiles:_::.. Concern was also expressed regarding the trespassing and violations presented by trail bikes during the spring and summer months. The Kristin Downs residents want the same protection as is given to other- subdivisions in their Declarations of Restrictions. As is found on page :(7) section.{3.24) Motorized -Vehicles,. found in the Gu�hsey-Meadows Addition No. 1, restrictions. _- A<O The Kristin Downs residents would appreciate any assistance the Welfare Committee can offer. — Sincerely yours, Thomas J. ,Van Lanen Alderman, Fourth District TVL:tvl cc: Chief Kraus Mr. Weed Snowmobile Clubs Oily of line Keeirlenlial' J'nJuj(ria( and Kecrealional Jacifi iee m • ME ntO To: t�v13LlG V✓�L�A.IZE Go ML�IITTcE FRoM: MILT'n HE;nitKE, DA-rE - F�i3. I S, 1478 • fZC: tZc�CRGN Au n.t t=OR At�t�FZDPRI Ai I nJG- t JN DS E oR �AKi= �RCDGING. IIII t'i&B 1-rkt coIVIMc�N covNcll-1✓AS -Pt✓TITLflN 51C-rnJ£D CS 11-70 T-AxPAYcpPo;1C�4G 1 "E,: iPRtj>Cr C o�-- L-LrT tvivSKF,Go -THIS M'IORF- Tt4ANi tD`% 0FTttt 1'0Put_1-\-I-toN. t l5 A,PPIPo- P1R(A-r'C-,r_=AT" TI-41S 1 1i\117, [O t✓-VA, L-VATT�S-l1IG Qo5I-rtor1 <Ot= -1-,4-Tr vpTC 12 S. 5 Tk- -6 1"faYOR l I�I�1 CAT�p AT � liE. 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