PWM19780125iPUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY 25, 1978 The meeting was called to order at 6:39 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos with committee members Tomczyk and Van Lanen present. Also present were Sentinel Reporter Draga Meyer, Mr. Bill Kuhnke of the Wisconsin Electric Company, Mr. George Trepanier, Mr. Charles Damaske, Mrs. Janice Heckert, • Alderman Ray Wallner and Mrs. Dorothy Van Lanen. Alderman Tomczyk moved to approve the minutes of 1/11/78. Seconded by Van Lanen, motion carried. Old Business A report by Mr. Kuhnke centered on conservation of resources in Muskego public buildings. He informed us of an energy management course present by the United States -Government. He also left material for the committe to read -including a list-of-50-ways to save energy in a building. He further suggested -an -energy management team -(see -literature) made up _ of: 1. A leader=person-or.committee chairperson 2. People with expertise - 3. An outside consultant 4. A certified public accountant who would evaluate savings and • expenditures. The committee would then, A.. Survey the building's energy used, in relation to.fuels,- electricity, water, etc: and determine where the -energy users ar( B. Find out how to save money with the least expense. C. Make -a list -of priorities to gain the least. expensive result- D. Analyze, scrutinize and simonize the results of the priorities. E. Set a time table for implementation of the priorities. F. Keep track of energy used to monitor savings, if any. Mr. Kuhnke offered to loan us a light meter for Mr. Lee to check levels of lighting in our public buildings. He also offered to be present for the light meter survey. Mr. Bill Raymond from Electrical Contractors Association of Milwaukee will be contacted for extra copies of "Total Energy Management". We will also be able to get Energy Saving Stickers from the Electric Company to place near all light switches as a reminder to turn off lights. The philosophy over the years has changed and today it is better to turn off lights if leaving area for a short time. It has become cheaper to turn off the lamp since energy has gone up and the • cost of the lamp has gone down. Finally, Mr. Kuhnke offered to meet with and assist the Energy Saving Committee along with experts from the gas, oil and energy companies. Mr. Trepanier gave us tornado warning system information in two phases Phase one consists of five big sirens at $7,000 00 each which would cover a four to five sq. mile area and two small sirens at $4,000 00 each which would cover a two sq. mile area with a $7,000-00 power • company hook-up totaling approximately $50,000.00. See attached map for areas where sirens would be placed. Phase two consists of six small sirens covering 8 sq. miles at $4,000. each with a $7,000.00 hook-up totaling $30,000.00. The Federal Government will split the total cost. • Public Welfare Committee 1/25/78 - Page 2. According to Mr. Jack Lucas from Alerting Communications of America.,. Thiensville, Wisconsin, this system can be installed by the end of June, 1978. These prices can be held until January 1, 1979. These proposals will be presented to the Capital Budget Committee on January 30, 1978. See Mr. Lucas's estimates attached. New Business Alderman Pienkos discussed the importance of Cardiac Pulmonary Resuscitation as a community project. Alderman Tomczyk suggested a First Aid Course while Ald. Van Lanen stressed the Heimlich Maneuver for people choking. Mr. Damaske brought out the value of Mrs. Hudson involving_the senior citizens in such programs. - Correspondence A.quarterly report -from Waste Management of Wisconsin showing Muskego receiving_47,625.9 tons of waste -in July, August and September and 38,822.8 tons in October, November and December with a total volume of 86,448.70 tons for the six month period was placed on file. Upon complaints, Ald. Pienkos suggested I contact Police Chief Kraus about the monitoring of traffic on Highway 24 from Racine Avenue on the west -to Piggly Wiggly on the east. Committee acknowledged a letter -from Deputy -Inspector Nowak dated._ 1/18/78. Ald. Tomczyk moved to The meeting adjourned. TJVL/je adjourn at 8:17 P-.M. Secbnded by Ald. Pienkos. Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y. Public Welfare Committee