PWM19780111PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JANUARY lj, 1978 The meeting was called to order at 6:37 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos with committee member Van Lanen present. Also present were Mr. George Trepanier,, Mrs. Heckert, Mrs. Zlensky, Ald. Wallner, Mayor Gottfried and Mrs. Van Lanen. The minutes of 12/14/77 were approved and placed on file. Old Business The availability of monies for a tornado warning system will be brought up for discussion at the Capital Budget hearings beginning on- Januar-y_--30,:_:1978.: _. A recommendationotoithercap'it:al.Budge.t Committee :to1have-them apprised = of .the'meedffor._a tornado- warningaystem was-asuggested-by:Mayor:., Gottfried. — Mr. Trepanier will obtain cost figures for a warning system and present them to the Welfare Committee on 1/25/78. • Mr. Trepanier and Alderman Pienkos will appear at the Capital Budget Hearings to submit figures for a warning system. • Presently, according to Mr. Lee it is impossible to give all the ordinances to newcomers. Mayor Gottfried suggested. -.that Welcome -Wagon possibly;,give letters saying we do have ordinances indicating a few basic ones in the letter. Mrs. Heckert suggested the news media assist with news releases or "did you know" articles. New Business Ald. Van Lanen brought and reported on information from the Consumer Protection Office. The State Department of Justice has lists which make consumers aware of how they can save. The Department would be willing to send a representative to discuss ways of protecting the consumer. Pamphlets and filmstrips are also available. Ald. Pienkos, as a member of the Library Board, will discuss these educational measures with the Board with the hope that such materials could be displayed in the Library. Mr: Bill Kuhnke of the Wisconsin Electric Power Company will attend a future meeting to discuss the conservation of energy. Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn at 7:22 Motion carried. TVL/ j e Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen. Respectfully submitted, Ald. Thomas Van Lanen, Sec'y. Public Welfare Committee