PWM19771123• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD NOVEMBER 23, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 6:40 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos. Also present were committee members Tomczyk and Van Lanen, Mayor Gottfried, Ald. Wallner and Mr. Lee. • Ald. Tomczyk moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held 11/10/77. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen. Mayor Gottfried suggested the minutes of the meeting held 11/10/77, be corrected to show the figure in the sixth paragraph relating to receipts to the City of Franklin from the City of Milwaukee for use of the landfill to be $67 000.00 per year rather than $6,700.00. The committee acknowledged the correction and approved of the motion by Ald. Tomczyk. Mr. Paul Bukovic, Operator of the Black Duck Gun Club, appeared before the committee to discuss unsupervised shooting at their rifle range. He advised the committee that the area is supervised and that signs are posted to warn snowmobilers, bike riders, hikers, etc. of the location of the rifle range. Chairman Pienkos discussed with Mr. Bukovic the contents of the letter which had been turned over to the committee by Ald. Dumke and thanked h4mm for attending the meeting. Mr. Moreno discussed with the committee the legality of shooting a 22 cal. rifle within the city limits. Old Business The committee discussed correspondence from City Attorney Buckley. Mayor Gottfried provided the committee with a report from the police department of their review of the activities at the rendering plant from 11/7/77 to 11/20/77. He advised the committee that he has requested that the police department continue to monitor the plant and surround- ing area to determine the extent of the odor problem at the rendering plant. A copy of the police department's report will be provided to the committee as well as to Attorney Buckley and to Mr. Wauer. Discussion took place between Mayor Gottfried and Mr. Moreno regarding the presence of odors in the area and what affect wind direction had. Mayor Gottfried indicated that although it was certain odors were present it was difficult to determine from where they were originating. Chairman Pienkos advised the committee of the scheduled public hearing regarding odors from the Muskego Rendering Plant and orders to the plant from the DNR. He indicated that the meeting will be held on December 5, 1977, in the city hall at 9.30 A.M. and will continue on December 6th, if necessary. • Mr. Lofquist asked the committee if the Police Department can now issue citations. Mayor Gottfried indicated they could if it could be proved there was a public nuisance and it was suggested that Mr. Lof- quist review his veto message presented to the Council on November 22 1977. Mayor Gottfried indicated that there probably will be no action taken by the City Attorney or the police department until after the hearing on 12/5/77 and further suggested that the hearing will help provide the committee information regarding the problem. Ald. Wallner discussed with the committee Chapter 62.09(13)(c) of the State Statutes relating to the right of the Mayor to veto and its relationship to Mayor Gottfried's vet of Resolution #254-77, As Amended. Mrs. Heckert discussed with the committee whether or not the two-thirds vote needed to override the Mayor's veto involved the entire Council or \just those attending the meeting. Mayor Gottfried explained the State Law and indicated that to override requires a two-thirds vote of all members of the governing body whether they attend the meeting or not. • Public Welfare Committee November 23, 1977 Page 2. Some citizens present at the committee meeting questioned why Attorney Buckley was not present at,the meeting. Ald. Pienkos responded to them that Mr. Buckley was not invited for the meeting but will be present at a future meeting. Ald. Van Lanen requested an interpretation from the Attorney General's is Office regarding Chapter 62.09 (13) and particularly that portion of the statute that states "It is the duty of the Chief to obey all lawful written orders of the Mayor or Common Council." Ald. Pienkos stated that, as Chairman of the committee, he would write a letter regarding the matter to the Attorney General's Office. Ald: Wallner suggested thkt all resolutions should be drafted or scrutinized by the City Attorney before adoption. Mayor Gottfried stated the City Attorney gets a copy of all resolutions and has the opportunity to.offer suggestions and opinions as to the legality of resolutions before they are presented to the Common Council. Mr. Moreno restated Mr. Nabrzyski's suggestion regarding a compactor which would be placed at the landfill site for refuse. The committee acknowledged a letter from Attorney Clayton Cramer who represents the Muskego Rendering Company. Ald. Pienkos indicated that Mr. Ottman, the newly elected president of the Muskego Athletic Association, did not believe there is a need to discuss the question of consumption of alcoholic beverages at ball parks. He will be present at a future meeting if the need arises. The committee discussed ways in which the -city could conserve energy. Ald. Pienkos submitted a list of suggested energy saving guidelines some of which may be useful to the city. A representative of the Wisconsin Electric Power Company and a representative from the Wisconsin Natural Gas Company will be present at a future meeting to help the committee in their deliberations on the matter. Mr. Lee has advised the committee a different brand of fluorescent lights are being used which should help conserve electricity and provide more efficient lighting. He -also explained to the committee the -heating system at city hall and indicated he will continue to monitor the thermostats in order to conserve -as much heat as possible. Mayor Gottfried will issue a memo to city employees urging them to help in our efforts to conserve energy in city buildings. Discussion was held by the committee on the tornado warning system and more specifically on the Ken Cam proposal. Ald. Tomczyk suggested the cost of alternate systems be provided them by several different companies. It was the concensus of the committee to continue to pursue • the matter in order that an estimate of the cost of a tornado warning system can be presented to the Capital Budget Committee. Ald. Tomczyk moved to adjourn. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:35 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y. Public Welfare Committee