The meeting was called to order at 6 44 P.M. by Acting Chairman Pienko:
Also present were Committee Members Tomczyk and Van Lanen, Mayor
Gottfried, Aldermen Wallner and Dumke, Building Inspector Lee, Janice
Heckert, Dorothy Van Lanen and Mrs. Zelensky.
Ald. Van Lanen moved for approval of the minutes of meetings held
10/26/77 and 10/311/77. Seconded by Ald. Tomczyk, motion carried.
Old Business
(1) The committee is awaiting an update from City Attorney Buckley
regarding odors at the Muskego Rendering plant.
(2) Mrs. -Roger Ottman, S68-W18031 Island Drive, Muskego, Phone 679-23E
is the new President of the Muskego Athletic -Association and will be
invited to a future meeting -to discuss the use of alcoholic beverages
at the ball parks.
(3) Mr. Gerald Lee reported on the conditions at the landfill site.
(See attached).
Ald. Pienkos discussed the Milwaukee Journal Article regarding the
depositing of refuse at the dump in the City of Franklin and the amount
of money they --receive from -the dumping.- They receive 2 0Q per cubic
yard paid by the -City of Milwaukee -to use the dump-or.approximately $6,
per year .- -Ald.-Tomczyk indicated -that the -City of -Franklin has
municipal —pickup -of refuse -for -its citizens.
Gerald Lee reported a Monday was chosen to monitor the landfill because
he thought it was a day dumping was extensive. He advised he will
continue to.monitor in the future when the dump opens and closes. He
will also report to the Welfare committee regarding the dumpsters.
Ald. Van Lanen will review the D N.R. report on Implementation & Agenc}
I.C. in Wisconsin.
At a future meeting Mayor Gottfried will review for the committee the
overall plans for the future of the landfill site.
Ald. Pienkos will review the Ken-Com Tornado Warning System proposal
at the next meeting
New Business
Discussion centered on energy conservation measure for winter months
•_ The committee is interested in knowing how to conserve on electricity,
gas, oil, water and other resources in the city. Ald. Pienkos indicatE
that the committee can provide a service and set an example for the
community by conserving energy and resources. Ald. Tomczyk recommender
that our State and Federal representatives should be contacted regardir
the need for conservation of our natural resources.
A letter to Ald. Dumke was read and placed on file. The owner of the
Black Duck Inn shooting range will be invited to the next meeting. A
copy of the letter will be given to the police department to follow up
on the concern of the citizens living near the Black Duck Inn range.
Ald. Van Lanen discussed information he received from the Attorney
General's Office, Consumer Protection Office Agency. He will present
the information at the next meeting. The committe's plans for the neat
future regarding the matter include presenting some of the information
\the community in the form of phamplets, film strips, slides and guest
Ald. Van Lanen moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Tomczyk. The meetini
adjourned at 8 20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas J Van Lanen, Sec'y.
TJVL/je Public 1" lfnre Cnmmmiitee
• TO: Public Welfare Committee
FROM: Gerald P. Lee, Building Inspector
DATE: November 8, 1977
As per your request, we have monitered the sanitary land fill
for the purpose of obtaining the amount of waste being depos-
ited. One day cannot be used in computing the average, espe-
cially on the type of operation conducted by Waste Management.
-� The reason is that they do haul to other sites and on a given
day, and given situations, they may not haul as much to the
Muskego site or In some cases may haul more. The waste de liv-
ered to the site came from five different sources, those being:
Waste Management, Moeller Disposal, R.E.L. Sanitation, and of
course the citizens of Muskego.
On Monday, November 7th, we started the monitoring at 7:30 A.M.,
and continued until tht'dump.closed-at 5!00 P.M.
Waste Management, -.the blue trucks, with a capacity of 15 ton of
compacted waste, delivered to the site 15 truck loads amounting
to 225 tons.
Best Disposal, having four different types of trucks ranging from
1-1/2 tons to a 5 ton capacity. The closed round container, or
• wiener truck, has a capacity of 3 ton. Three of these trucks used
the site, which totals 15 ton. The 2-1/2 ton open truck, delivered
10 loads to the site for a total amount of 25 ton. The 1-1/2 ton
open truck delivered 3 loads for 4 -1 /2 .tons. - The closed truck of
compacted garbage-A-s a 5 ton truck delivering 12 loads -for a total
of 60 ton.
Moeller Disposal has a 5 ton truck and they -delivered 4 loads for
a total of 20 ton.
R.E.L. Sanitation has a 3 ton truck, and they delivered 1 load to
the site for 3 tons. This amounts to a total tonage of 352-1/2 tons.
The information on the tonage and vehicle allowance used was
obtained from two sources: the Mus ego Police Department, and
Don Otter of Waste Management. The information that was obtained,
breaks down somewhat as follows:
Loose garbage - 100 lbs. per yd.
Semi- packed - 200 lbs. per yd.
Compacted loads - 400 lbs. per yd.
The Waste Management trucks, the blue ones, are actually compacted
twice. Once when the garbage is picked up by the garbage trucks,
and secondly when it is transferred to another truck in • Milwaukee. Thus, attributing to the 400 lbs. per yard, which differs from
Best Disposal trucks where in fact they are only compacted once
or not at all.
Page -2
At.3 00 P.M. they began to pull the dumpsters for dumping.
Because they are on a line, they pulled the first two, and
• emptied them in order to get at the third one. At approxi-
mately 4:30 P.M., the dumpsters were emptied and back in
place. Many citizens dumped.between the hours of 4:00 P.M.
and 5-00 P.M., and may attribute to some garbage being left
in the dumpsters over night.
Possibly most surprising in monitoring the dump, was that 85
citizens used the dump on this one day. Further, there was
no truck or dump prior to 8-00 A.M. in the morning, and the
"• dumping stopped prior to 5-00 P.M. The garbage at the center
fill site was being compacted and covered.
Respectfully submitted,
I. XZ�_
erald P. Lee
Building Inspector