PWM19771026PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 26, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 6 34 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos. Also present were committee members Tomczyk and Van Lanen, Mrs. Libbie Nolan and Mayor Gottfried. Ald. Pienkos reviewed the minutes of the meeting held 10/12/77. Ald. • Tomczyk moved to accept the minutes, as read. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen. The committee agreed to defer discussion of the use of alcoholic beverages at ball parks in the city until the president of the Muskego Athletic Association can be invited to a future meeting. The motion to accept the minutes carried. Communication from Mayor Gottfried, dated 10/17/77, regarding the motion by the Welfare Committee at their meeting held 10/12/77 recommending to Common Council that approval be given to cite the rendering company by the Muskego Police Department upon citizen complaint for malodorous odors emanating from the rendering plant under provisions of Sec. 10.03 - Public Nuisance, was received and placed on file. Correspondence from City Attorney Buckley was received and placed on file. The committeefagain discussed the problems relating to the failure -of Waste Management to completely empty dumptsters used by city's residents at the end of each day. Ald. Tomczyk advised the committee that he will continue to monitor the problem and again suggested that a cover over the dumpsters might help resolve the problem. Mr. Lofquist advised the committee that he had viewed uncovered garbage on Monday, October 24, 1977 at 9:00 A.M. The committee noted, however, that the landfill site is open early in the morning and the uncovered garbage could well have been brought in that same day. The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to contact Mr. Otter regarding the possibilities of covering the dumpsters and to remind Waste Management of the required procedures to be used at the landfill site Ald. Pienkos reminded the committee that they are still waiting to hear from Building Inspector Lee regarding the tonnage of waste being dumped in the landfill site. The committee is also awaiting confirmation from the DNR and other persons involved indicating their intent to attend a future meeting regarding the spreading of wastewater residue. Ald. Pienkos discussed with the committee a report from the DNR a report entitled, ImplementaticnRegion and Agency I.C. in Wisconsin. Ald. Tomczyk indicated that he would also review the report. • The committee discussed Resolution #254-77 which had been referred back to it by the Common Council on 10/25/77. The committee noted that the purpose of the referral was to have the committee review the legality of the resolution. Ald. Tomczyk indicated that based on the complaints of some of his constituents something had to be done about the rendering plant problem. Mayor Gottfried pleaded with the citizens present to give the city a few months to resolve the problems. Mrs. Nabrzyski and Mr. Zelensky indicated that they are tired of com- plaining and urged the city to help them resolve the odor problem as soon as possible. It was the general concensus of the residents attend- ing the meeting that much of the problem emanated from the plant itself \ because of doors being left open and carcusses lying around. . , r . Public Welfare 10/26/77 - P. 2 Mayor Gottfried suggested that Mr. Wauer be invited to the next committee meeting to discuss the problem. He indicated that if there were prob- lems present and they continued to exist after the meeting with Mr. Wauer he would personally sign a complaint. The citizens present did not appear to agree with the Mayor's above mentioned suggestion. They discussed the relationship of Ch. 62.09(13) Wisconsin Statutes, to the action of the committee. Those citizens present appeared to disagree with City Attorney Buckley's opinion on the legality of Resolution #254-77. Mr. Moreno stated that he observed on 10/26/77 at 5 45 P.M. a semi - truck loaded with dead animals going to the rendering plant with its trailer uncovered. The committee agreed it was an apparent violation of State Law, being uncovered. Ald. Tomczyk moved to have Resolution #254-77 returned to the Common Council for discussion and a vote. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried. Ald. Van Lanen moved that the exact wording of the quote of Resolution #254-77 be presented as follows in these minutes and at the next Common Council meeting on November 8, 1977. • "That the Welfare Committee recommend to the Common Council the approval be given to cite the Muskego Rendering Company by the Muskego Police Department upon citizen complaint for malodorous odors emanating from the Muskego Rendering Plant under provisions of Section 10.03 - Public Nuisance." Ald. Tomczyk seconded the motion and the motion carried. Those citizens attending the meeting indicated they would be present at the next Common Council meeting to be held on 11/8/77. It was agreed that one spokesperson will request permission from his alderman to be heard on the matter. Correspondence from Building Inspector Lee regarding spreading of wastewater residue was read -and placed on file'. Ald Tomczyk discussed his reasoning regarding the spreading of waste- water residue. He advised the committee of his concerns and plans to diligently monitor the spreading of wastewater residue on the Basse farm when it occurs. Ald. Van Lanen moved to adjourn the meeting in order that committee members could participate in 1978 budget hearings. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8.00 P.M. . Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y. TJV/je