PWM19771012• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD OCTOBER 12, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 6.42 P.M Also present were committee members Tomczyk Gottfried, Aid. Wallner, Building Inspector • Lt. Scholz, Mrs. Vi Joy of the Muskego Sun the Post Newspapers. by Chairman Pienkos. and Van Lanen, Mayor Lee, Police Chief Kraus, and Mr. Greg Hoffman of Aid. Pienkos amended the minutes of the previous meeting to include that Aid. Dumke and a representative of the Muskego Sun were present at the meeting. Seconded by Aid. Wallner. Upon a roll call vote the motion to approve the minutes of the previous meeting, as amended, carried unanimously. Aid. Pienkos advised that he had contact Ms. Joan Karnaushas of the DNR to determine whether or not the plans submitted by the Muskego Rendering Company for its new wastewater treatment facility had been approved. He advised the committee that as of this date no official approval has been granted. The committee requested that City Attorney Buckley give the Common Council and the Welfare Committee a status report from the Attorney • General's Office and the DNR as to how they will proceed regarding the proposed public hearing in the matter of the Muskego Rendering Plant and their proposed solution to the odor problem. Aid. Pienkos requested Mayor Gottfried to invite those persons he feels would be helpful to the committee as they discuss the need for an emergency tornado warning system in the city. The meeting will be held October 31, 1977, at 6.30 P.M. Mr. Floyd Ladd, representing the Muskego Athletic Association, and Mr. Steve Pischke, Park and Recreation Director, will be invited to the meeting to be held on October 26, 1977, at 6:30 P.M. to discuss con- sumption of fermented malt beverage at ball parks. Correspondence from Mr. Don Otter of Waste Management was read and placed on file. Mr. Otter indicated that after several inspections of the landfill site on Sunday he found that one commercial hauler had dumped a load of refuse on a particular Sunday Mr Otter stated that the hauler was advised that no dumping of refuse will be tolerated other than during the normal operating hours. Mr. Otter also indicated to the committee that he had witnessed several citizens using the landfill during closed hours. He advised that he has re- quested the Muskego Police Department to help Waste Management dis- courage these practices. Aid. Tomczyk indicated that as a result of his personal inspection the problem continues to exist. • Aid. Wallner advised the committee of his concern that the amount of tonnage being brought to the landfill site exceeded the 600 tons per day average permitted in the agreement between the city and Waste Management. The committee discussed the possibility of having the Building Inspection Department monitor the number of trucks and amount of tonnage using the landfill site by Waste Management. Aid. Pienkos requested that Zoning Officer Lee advise the committee how an accurate estimate could be achieved and give his recommendation regarding the possibility or need of monitoring. • Extensive discussion took place between members of the committee, several citizens, Lt. Scholz of the Police Department and Police Chief Kraus regarding the odors emanating from the Muskego Rendering Company and the procedure to follow in order that a citation can be issued Public Welfare Committee 10/12/77 - P. 2 for the violation of Section 10 03 of the city's Municipal Code. Several citizens indicated they were not being given relief from . the problems of the rendering plant as rapidly as they could be. Chief Kraus advised that whenever a public nuisance exists the proper procedure to follow is through the City Attorney who determines if an individual is in non-compliance of the ordinance. Ald. Van Lanen moved that the Welfare Committee recommend to the Common Council that approval be given to cite -the Muskego Rendering Company by the Muskego Police Department upon citizen complaint for malodorous odors emanating from the Muskego Rendering Plant under provisions of Section 10.03 - Public Nuisance. Seconded by.Ald. Tomczyk, motion carried 3 0. Correspondence from Mayor Gottfried, dated 9/29/77 directed to City Attorney Buckley regarding the rendering plant problem was read and placed on file. The committee received notice of public hearing scheduled for 11/1/77 • for expansion of conditional use for the Big Muskego Gun Club facilities. Same placed on file. Report dated 9/26/77 from the State of Wisconsin DNR, Implementation of Region and Agency ID in Wisconsin was received. The report involved the implementation of regulations for landfill sites. Ald Pienkos indicated he would read the report and return for other committee members to read. The committee discussed the application of wastewater residue on the Alvin Basse property and the permit which has been issued by the Council. Ald. Wallner formally requested that the permit issued to the Druml Company be repealed. The committee recessed at 9 20 P.M. to attend the Police Department budget hearing and the meeting reconvened at 10 20 P.M. to discuss Ald. Wallner's request. Ald. Wallner discussed the Milwaukee Sentinel article dated 10/4/77 whereby the EPA issued a warning on Milorganite. Milorganite is the fertilizer manufactured from wastewater residue. Milwaukee is the only municipality manufacturing such a fertilizer under a brand name. It was the decision of the committee to invite representatives from the EPA and the DNR to a future meeting in order that the committee can obtain additional information regarding the use of • wastewater residue on farm land. Mayor Gottfried recommended that the Welfare Committee not present a resolution to repeal the permit issued to the Druml Company based on the fact that the permit has been issued and is contractual. The committee will continue to obtain information either in favor or opposed to the spreading of wastewater residue on farm land. Ald. Tomczyk moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald Pienkos, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:55 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Thams J. Van Lanen, Sec'y. Public Welfare Committee TJVL/je_