PWM19770914• PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD SEPTEMBER 14, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 7:05 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos. Also present were Committee Members Aldermen Van Lanen and Tomczyk, Mayor Gottfried, Mr. John Eckroth, Mr. Frank Schultz, DNR, Mr. Tom Lawson, • Assistant Attorney General, State of Wisconsin, Mr. Gerald Lee and Aid. Wallner. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Aid. Tomczyk moved to approve same, seconded by Aid. Van Lanen, motion carried. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Aid. Tomczyk moved to approve same, seconded by Aid. Van Lanen, motion carried. The matter of tornado warning system in the city and the consumption of fermented malt beverage in city parks was deferred until the next meeting 9/28/77. Several citizens, representatives of the DNR and Mr. Lawson were present at the meeting for the purpose of discussing odor problems emanating • from the Muskego Rendering plant. Mr. Forrestal, Consultant to Muskego Rendering Co., gave a brief history of the rendering plant and odor problem in the area. Mr. Tom Dawson of the Attorney General's Office briefly discussed his role as intervener. He indicated that he had interviewed several people involved and gathered information for the forthcoming hearing which had been petitioned for by 103 people residing in the area. He noted his major concerns were as follows: (1) how long has the problem gone on, (2) what has been done to solve the problem and (3) when can the problem be solved. Discussion involving several citizens, representatives of the DNR and Mr. Carl Wauer took place regarding the question as to whether the odor problem was coming from the plant.or the disposal system. Representatives of the DNR as well as Mr. Wauer advised the committee that in their opinion the major problem emanated from a malfunctioning disposal system. Several citizens from the area disagreed with this and gave examples of why they felt the odor was emanating from the plant proper. Mr. Wauer explained that they sent plans to the DNR in early July which have not been approved as yet. Mr. Frank Schultz, representative from the DNR, •advised the committee that review of the plans should be completed within the week. Mr. Wauer advised the citizens present that he would like to be notified of odors and that he could be reached by calling 662-3636 during the evening hours and 662-3616 during the daytime hours. Additional discussion took place regarding why odors are more prevelant • at night, what fines could be levied against Mr. Wauer and why trucks carrying dead animals are not covered, etc. The committee discussed the possibility of citing Mr. Wauer under Section 10.03 of the Municipal Code - Public Nuisance. Aid. Tomczyk moved to direct City Attorney Buckley to review the problems of odors emenating from the rendering plant to determine whether or not there is a violation of Section 10.03(9) of the Municipal Code. Seconded by Aid. Van Lanen, motion carried. Public Welfare Committee 9/14/77 - Page 2 The committee again discussed complaints which have been received • regarding the failure of the operators of the landfill to completely cover all materials brought in before closing for the evening. Ald. Tomczyk advised the committee that he will continue to monitor the problem. A communication from Mayor Gottfried directed to Mr. Don Otter of Waste Management was read and placed on file. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee he has not received a reply as yet. Mayor Gottfried was directed to again contact Mr. Otter regarding the necessity of emptying or covering all dumpsters at the end of the day and on weekends in order to prevent odors and infestation by rodents. Ald. Pienkos and Ald. Van Lanen discussed their visit with Mr. Donald Jorgenson of the State Highway Department regarding the committee's request to have traffic lights installed on the intersection of Highway 24 and Tess Corners Dr. and Highway 24 and Lannon Drive. Mr. Jorgenson has indicated that he would be happy to appear before the Safety Committee and the Welfare Committee for further input on the _- =-matter. He reassured the committee that his department would continue to monitor the intersections. Report from the State of Wisconsin Weights --and Measures Dept. was read and-placed=on-file. The -committee acknowledged -receipt of letter from the Department of -Agriculture Trade & Consumer -Protection. Letter from Mayor Gottfried to Herbert Ripley was read and placed on file. Mr. Lee further explained the problems Mr. Scott Krause is having in his efforts to install a holding tank -to serve four residences to be -constructed at the end of Groveway Lane. Mr. Lee discussed with the committee the problems he is experiencing with a home located on Lake Drive. Be indicated that the home is very old and is so low that it could not be served by Public Sewer. As a result there is_a possibility -that some sewage may be entering Little Muskego Lake. Mr. Lee indicated that the home may be subject to condemnation which would rectify the problem. Mr. Lee discussed with the committee a letter he received from the Parkland Homeowners Association regarding deed restrictions and enforce- ment. Mr. Lee, Mayor Gottfried and Attorney Buckley plan to discuss the deed restrictions and enforcement. Mr. Lee will inform the Home- owners Association President of the progress of the city's plans re- garding deed restrictions and enforcement. Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 P.M. • TVL/je Respectfully submitted, Thomas G. Van Lanen, Secretary