The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pienkos at 6:48 P.M.
Also present were committee members Van Lanen, Wallner and Mayor
Gottfried. Citizens in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wollman,
Edward De Preter, James Konkol,Michael.Nowietzke, Milton Hemke,
Alvin Basse, Janice Heckert, Donald Otter, George Meinholz and Roger
• La Fever.
The committee reviewed the minutes of the meeting held on July 27,
1977. Ald. Van Lanen moved to approve the minutes. Seconded by
Ald. Pienkos. Motion carried.
The committee will review a report by Mr. Lee regarding a 20' alley-
way between Michi Drive and Center Drive at its next meeting. Mr.
Lee will be invited to attend.
Mr. Otter of Waste Management, discussed with the committee the
present and future plans for the landfill located on the Wauer prop-
erty. He indicated that they are presently using a 20 acre site
southwest of the rendering plant, which should be completed between
1978 and 1979. He further indicated that although the present agree-
ment with the City permits up to 600 tons a day to be dumped, they
are presently averaging 1300 tons per month. He indicated that the
tons of refuse being brought to the City's landfill site can be veri-
fied by checking the Milwaukee Distribution Point. Mr. Otter also
indicated that they are presently reviewing the State DNR plans for
extending the landfill site into the balance of the agreement area,
including the gravel pit on the north side of Wauer Lane. Mayor
Gottfried advised the committee that the agreement with Waste Manage-
ment runs through 1983, and provides that in the event that sufficient
landfill area is not available for the citizens of the City of Muskego,
Waste Management is responsible for providing a disposal site for
the City. Mr. Otter advised the committee that he will keep them
informed regarding the progress of their discussion with the DNR.
Mr. Basse and Mr. De Preter of the Druml Company discussed their per-
mit approved by the Common Council to spread sludge on a parcel of
land owned by Mr. Basse. Booklet No. 88 "Sludge Application" was
discussed by Mr. De Preter. Reference was made to Resolution 122-76
adopted by the Common Council on August 10, 1976. Mr. Basse indicated
that the permit covered 125 acres out of 500 acres of land which he
now farms. Mr. De Preter advised the committee that the DNR has
approved the application of sludge on 9,000 acres of land in southeast
Wisconsin. Mr. Basse indicated that although they had not applied
sludge this year, he would like to be able to consider its application
in the near future, in order that it can be given a fair trial.
Ald. Pienkos moved that the Welfare Committee recommend to the Common
Council not to renew the permit nor extend the permit after the loth
day of August, 1977. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried.
• Ald. Van Lanen recommended a refund of the application fee to Mr.
De Preter of the Druml Company. Ald. Pienkos moved that the Welfare
Committee direct Mayor Gottfried to halt the spreading of sludge on
the Basse property if any attempt is made to begin the application.
Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried.
Ald. Van Lanen moved to defer action on an emergency warning system
to the next meeting to be held on August 24, 1977.
• Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wollman stated that their appearance was merely
to experience government in action.
Mr. Konkol and Mr. Nowitzke appeared to discuss the future of a
parcel of land separating Shore Lane and Lochcrest Blvd. (formerly
'the Lassa lot). They advised the committee the problems they are
having with motorized vehicles using the property. Mayor Gottfried
Public Welfare Committee - Page 2
August 10, 1977
explained to the committee the history of the property, the efforts
to sell portions of the property to abuting property owners, and
the need to post No Trespassing signs. Mr. Nowitzke and Mr. Konkol
were advised to call the Police Department if problems continue.
Ald. Pienkos suggested that the matter be referred to the Public
Works Committee to determine whether or not a fence could be installed
if the problems continued.
The committee discussed public accesses presently available on Little
Muskego Lake and requested that the Parks and Recreation Department
advise the committee of their plans for the use and/or development
of these accesses. Mr. Hemke discussed the article which appeared
in the Milwaukee Journal regarding the use of public accesses.
Mr. Wollman expressed his thoughts and concerns about accesses on
Little Muskego Lake and Lake Denoon, wondering why they were not open
to the public. Mayor Gottfried indicated that he was in favor of
permitting use of the public accesses, particularly Idle Isle, which
is geared for heavy use. The committee requested Mr. Steve Pischke
to attend the next Welfare Committee meeting to discuss this matter.
There being no further business, Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn,
seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried. The meeting adjourned
at 8:34 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Thomas Van Lanen, Secy.