PWM19770727PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 27, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 6:45 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos. Also present was committee member Van Lanen, Building Inspector Lee and Mayor Gottfried. Ald. Van Lanen moved to approve the minutes of the meeting held July 13, 1977. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos, motion carried. Mayor Gottfried was directed to invite representatives of Waste Management to the committee's next meeting to be held on August loth. The committee is awaiting a report from Mr. Lee regarding the 20' alleyway between Michi Drive and Center Drive. The committee discussed what help the city could provide to citizens with complaints of con- sumer fraud, etc. Chairman Pienkos indicated that Building Inspector Lee will provide the committee with the list of agencies available to.help consumers and their telephone numbers. The report of Waste %nagement for the months of April, May and June showing total volume of waste received in the landfill site was re- ceived and placed on file. Ald. Pienkos discussed a letter from John Krahling requesting the use of the "Cutty Shark" (weed harvester) for the Country Fair Days Parade held on August 28, 1$77. He indicated that the Little Muskego Lake Association would clean the equipment and help in its transportation to and from the lake. Ald. Pienkos moved to approve the request. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried. A copy of a letter sent by Mr. Carl Wauer of the Muskego Rendering Co., Inc. to residents near his plant was received and placed on file. The committee discussed the status of the permit given to Mr. Alvin Basse by the Common Council to experiment with the spreading of sludge. Ald. Pienkos indicated he will suggest at the committee's next meeting that the present permit be rescinded and that in the event Mr. Basse wanted to apply again it would be considered a new proposal. Mayor Gottfried provided the committee with a book from the Muskego Library entitled, "Sensible Sludge". Ald. Pienkos suggested that a letter be sent to the Druml Company and Mr. Basse indicating the feelings of the committee. The committee discussed the status of the city's plan of action in the event of disaster such as tornado, flood, etc. - The committee agreed that any further discussion of lease agreement between Muskego Fine Arts and the City of Muskego should wait until the latter part of 1978 when the lease expires. •The committee discussed at length the procedure which they would like to use in notifying news media of their meetings and what subjects will be discussed. It was agreed that in an attempt to have as many citizens as possible be aware of matters which will be discussed by the committee the following procedure will be used: An agenda will be prepared by the aldermen indicating that any matters they might want discussed at the next Welfare Committee meeting would have to be called into city hall on the Monday following the previous meeting. The agenda will then be mailed to the newspapers the Monday evening following the committee meeting which would make it possible for publication of the agenda approximately a week before the next committee meeting. The format of the agenda will be as follows: (1) Call to order, (2) Review of minutes of previous meeting, (3) Old business. (4) New business. (5) Miscellaneous business. (6) Adjournment. Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 7:58 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Je ` Thomas J. Van Lanen, Seely.