• The meeting was called to order at 6:45 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos. Also
present were Committee member Van Lanen, Ald. Wallner, Mrs. Jerry Maus,
Mr. Hendricks, Mr. and Mrs. Zlensky, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Schubarth and
Building Inspector Gerald Lee.
Mr. Maus appeared at the meeting to request a temporary waterskiing
slalom course (14 buoys - 75' wide and 855' long) on Little Muskego
• Lake. Location of the course to be east of George's Island in a north
and south direction and is to be used for practice only. In reviewing
the city's Municipal Code the Committee determined that permission to
place buoys in the lake needed to be obtained by the Common Council.
Mr. Maus indicated that the request to place the slalom course would
be from July 18th to July 29th, 1977, except for weekends and that on
weekdays they would be removed by 6:00 P.M. He further stated that
if complaints were received he would remove the buoys and that he
will also supervise the course. Ald. Pienkos moved to recommend
approval of the request subject to conformity to the Municipal Code
and the approval of Mayor Gottfried. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen,
motion carried.
Mr. and Mrs. Schubarth, S64 W18511 Topaz Dr., appeared at the meeting
to discuss the problem of persons using the lake right-of-way on Topaz
Drive and who encroach upon their property. They indicated that al-
though a "No Trespassing" sign is present it is ignored by individuals.
Zoning Officer Lee advised the Schubarths regarding fencing information
and the matter will be referred to the Public Safety Committee for
suggestions and recommendations. The Public Welfare Committee will
also refer to the Public Works Committee the matter of signs regard-
ing accesses.
The committee reviewed a communication from Mayor Gottfried dated
7/12/77 regarding tornado warnings. Copies of the communications
will also be forwarded to Mr. and Mrs. Honerlaw and to Mr. Rogers.
An indepth discussion of the matter between members of the committee
and Gerald Lee was held. Mr. Lee advised the committee of the possib-
ility of federal funds being available for sirens and cost figures
for a warning system. Mr. Williams of the State Civil Defense Office
was mentioned as a resource person regarding information on warning
An extensive discussion took place regarding the spreading of sludge
within the City of Muskego. Mr. Lee advised the committee that no
sludge has been spread on any land in the city, including the Alvin
Basse property. Mr. Lee indicated that he will keep the committee
informed as to the status of the spreading of sludge in the southeast
area of the State, including the City of Muskego.
Ald. Pienkos moved to approve the minutes of the previous meeting held
June 29, 1977. Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried.
The committee discussed the city's landfill site. Representatives of
• Waste Management will be invited to the next meeting of the committee
to discuss future plans of the site. Zoning Officer Lee was also
requested to provide information on the future of the site by the next
Mr. Lee will also report at the next committee meeting on the 20'
alleyway at the end of Center Drive regarding debris, etc. littering
the right-of-way.
• Public Welfare Committee
7/13/77 - Page 2.
A lengthy discussion took place regarding the essentials of a strong
State Consumer Agency, The matter will continue to be discussed at
the next meeting.
• The committee discussed extensively the problem of odors coming from
the rendering plant and dump. Mr. Lee will continue to monitor the
problem and periodically report back to the committee.
Correspondence to City Attorney Buckley was received and placed on
Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Van Lanen. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:33 PJI,
Respectfully submitted,
Ald, Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'y.
Public Welfare Committee