The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pienkos at 6-50 P.M. Also
present were Committee members Constantineau and Van Lanen, Mayor
Gottfried, Aldermen Wallner and Dumke, Parks and Recreation Director
Steven J. Pischke and several citizens (attached list)..
• Ald. Constantineau moved to correct the minutes of .the May 17, 1977
meeting to have the fourth paragraph read as follows: "Discussion
centered on sewer charges and the rebuilding of the old Muskego Town
Hall in case of fire. Assurance was given by the Welfare Committee
that it would recommend to the Common Council that when a new lease
is written that a provision be made to rebuild or repair the old
Town Hall in case of fire." Seconded by Ald. Van Lanen. The motion
carried. The minutes, as corrected, were accepted and placed on file.
Mr. Charles Damaske, representing Muskego Fine Arts, Inc., presented
statistics indicating utility (electric) charges for the years of
1975, 1976 and 1977. Discussion took place between the members of
the committee, Mr. Pischke and Mr. Damaske regarding the use of
water by the Parks and Recreation Department and the problems en-
countered when it is shut off by representatives of the Fine Arts, Inc.
group. Mr. Pischke indicated that the Parks and Recreation Board have
indicated they strongly object to the water being shut off and feel
that a key should be available in order that city employees could
have access to the pump located in the old Town Hall. Mr. Damaske
indicated that the water was shut off because of concern of a possible
leak which would cause excessive operation of the pump. Mr. Damaske
assured the committee that the water will not be shut off again. Ald.
Pienkos indicated he would like to view the operations of the Parks
and Recreation Department prior to the committee making any decision
in the matter The committee felt that better communications between
the Parks and Recreation staff and representatives of the Fine Arts,
Inc. could resolve the problems.
The committee noted that they had previously recommended to the Rules,
Laws & Ordinance Committee that they review the sewer service fee now
being charged to the Muskego Fine Arts, Inc. -
The committee reviewed a communication from City Attorney Buckley
regarding several concerns expressed by the committee of provisions
in the present lease between the Muskego Fine Arts, Inc. and the
The next matter to come before the committee involved perm. 's issued
to gun clubs in the city. Ald. Pienkos advised interested ptizens
in the audience that the matter had been referred to the Rules, Laws
and Ordinance Committee and that it was anticipated they would begin
their discussions at their meeting later in the evening. Operators
of the several gun clubs expressed concern over the Councils
deferal on approval of their licenses. Ald. Constantineau explained
the purpose of the deferral and assured those present that•he'would
vote for approval at the next Council meeting. Although tY}e,mtter
was to be considered in depth at the Rules, Laws & Ordita}�,04Committee
several residents in the area as well as several gun club'
reviewed the problems and their operations with the committee:- Ald.
Pienkos asked Mayor Gottfried to differentiate between permit and
ordinance. Mayor Gottfried advised members of the committee that
the permit is ussued under provisions of the Firearms Ordinance and
permits are usually issued if there are no violations of the'jiro-
visions in the Firearms Ordinance. He further indicated that -if
changes are made in the Firearms Ordinance relating; -to the Operation
of gun clubs those changes must be adhered to under,:the permit'
issued. 4a.a
• Public Welfare Committee
June 15, 1977 - Page 2
The committee then discussed the possibilities of licensing rummage
sales. Chairman Pienkos indicated that concern had been expressed
by some residents about the large number of sales, large signs, etc.
• It was the consensus of the committee that regulating at this time
was not necessary, however, they did refer to the Public Safety
Committee the problem of using traffic signs to post notices of
rummage sales.
The committee then discussed the spreading of sludge within the
limits of the City of Muskego. They noted that Mr. Alvin Basse had
been given a permit by the Common Council several months ago. Mayor
Gottfried advised the committee that apparently the sludge had not
been applied as of now. The committee directed Building Inspector
Lee to report the status of the matter by their next meeting.
Correspondence was received from the City Clerk regarding the shutting
off of the water at the old Town Hall. Same placed on file.
Ald. Pienkos thanked the citizens for attending the meeting.
• Ald. Van Lanen moved to.adjourn, seconded by Ald. Constantineau,
motion carried The meeting adjourned at 7:54 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Thomas J. Van Lanen, Seely.