PWM19770601PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO 4WPECIAL MEETING OF JUNE 12 1977 Meeting was called to order at 6:30 P.M. by Chairman Pienkos. Also present were Aldermen Constantineau, Van Lanen and Wallner. Mr. Jame$ Lathum from the Milwaukee Sewage Commission, Mrs. Nancy Payne, D.N.R., and Mr. Frank Schultz, D.N.R. were also present. ,There were also 37 citizens present, names of which have been made part of this meeting and are attached to these minutes. The purpose and intent of the meeting was to obtain information from citizens regarding water shortage problems and making recommendations to alleviate problems. Several citizens expressed concerns that they had no one to go to for emergency help for water problems, such as a well, both private and community wells going dry. Ald. Constatnineau indicated the city has been formulating plans to make water available in emergencies. d. Pienkos and Constantineau indicated a communication network is eded to determine the seriousness of water shortage problems through. out the entire city. Ald. Pienkos urged people to communicate with Bldg. Insp. Lee by calling 679-2660, or by personal contact in his office regarding a water shortage or other related problems. Ald. Pienkos, Constantineau and Van Lanen stressed the need for citizens to contact and inform city officials about their water shortage problems so a record can be compiled as to specific areas, locations and types of problems. They urged people to contact city hall when a well goes dry and a new one is needed. Some citizens expressed concern regarding the water shortage, drought conditions on lawns. Mr. Lathum suggested lawns can go without water for up to six weeks or more. A lawn can become dormant and restored after a rainfall. lie also suggested people restrict fertilizing, raise their mower blades, and limit the killing of weeds. Ald. Pienkos, Constantineau and Mr. Lathum suggested people wait until fall to seed or sod for new lawns. Some citizens expressed interest and concern regarding no government agency (city or state) monitoring well drilling. Mrs. Payne responded by saying well drilling firms are licensed by the state. Ald. Pienkos inquired as to the adverse effect community wells have on ,follow wells. Mr. Schultz replied by stating he was of the opinion- p wells do not effect the shallow wells. He will check the data and send it to the committee. Many citizens requested the city extablish a monitoring system, water regulations or regulating equipment in certain well areas. Ald. Pienkos indicated the city has an ordinance for wells, but there *s a problem of enforcement. He stated that citizens building their new owes should contact Bldg. Insp. Lee as to information about depth of wells, purity of water, gallons per minutes pumped and unscrupulous well drilling firms. Public Welfare Committee PG. 2 �ld. Pienkos stated the City of Mequon has an ordinance for the regulation f water. He suggested the Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee study the Mequon ordinance and recommend the City of Muskego establish a similar ordinance. Ald. Constantineau stated Kristin Downs at present is the only sub- division with a water meter on the wells. Several citizens expressed concern about people filling their swimming pools with water from private and community wells. They wanted to know if restrictions could be placed on this practice in times of drought and water shortages. Concern was expressed by citizens from sub -divisions -with community wells regarding the expensive repairs when pumps become inoperative. Concern was expressed for the expensive electric bills which have to be shared by all residents of the sub -division as well as the pump repair bills. these people advocated for strict restrictions on sprinkling, filling pools and wasting water and electricity. Ald. Constantineau made a motion to recommend the Rules, Laws and Ordinance Committee study the Mequon Ordinance. He further recommended this be ne as soon as possible as time is of the essence. Motion seconded by d. Van Lanen and motion carried. A motion was made by the Public Welfare Committee to recommend -to the citizens of Muskego to water lawns on odd and even days according to the last digit of their address. Ald. Pienkos moved to adopt the recommendation of lawn sprinkling on odd and even days according to last digits in addresses, motion seconded by Ald. Constantineau, and motion carried. The committee recommended people with plans for new lawns wait until the fall before seeding or sodding. The committee also recommended that people with swimming pools look to private sources other than their community or private wells to fill their pools. These two recommendations were made into a motion by Ald. Constantineau and seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, and said were carried. Ald. Pienkos made a motion that citizens with problems of any nature call 679-2660 for assistance, motion seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried. Od. Constantineau stated that designated areas will be made public as to where people can obtain water in case of a shortage. The public will have to provide their own containeers. Ald. Pienkos recommended that future developed areas and subdivisions give the water trustee more authority to enforce regualtions for conservation of water and natural resources. Old. Constantineau moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Van Lanen,.motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:36 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Ald.-Thomas J. 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