PWM19770517.. 1=,w • PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MAY 17, 1977 • The meeting was called to order at 6:45 P.M. by Ald. Pienkos. Also present were Mayor Gottfried, Aldermen Constantineau, Dumke, Van Lanen, Mr. Charles Damaske, Mr. and Mrs. Orlo Zlensky, Mr. Paul Benke, Mr. Howard Wrobbel, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hendrickson, Mr. Wayne Weber and Mrs. Beverly Ladwig. The minutes of the May 3, 1977, meeting were approved and placed on file. Mr. Damaske and the committee continued the discussion of the lease agreement between the City and the Muskego Fine Arts, Inc. To date, no correspondence has been received from City Attorney Buckley. Discussion centered on sewer charges and the rebuilding of the old Muskego Town Hall in case of fire. Assurance was given by the committee that insurance money would be used to reconstruct or rebuild the old Muskego Town Hall in case of fire. At the present time the Muskego Fine Arts, Inc. has a sewer utility charge of $96.00. Mayor Gottfried stated the city cannot exempt or reduce the sewer charge for anyone without amending the Sewer Service Ordinance. He indicated that all departments of the city must pay a sewer usage charge. The committee recommended the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee review the city ordinance regarding sewer usage charges and a possible reduction for the Muskego Fine Arts., Inc. Discussion was held regarding the city's responsibility for repairing the water system in the old city hall. The committee noted that the Finance Committee, upon the recommendation of the Public Welfare Committee, has approved payment of one-half of the cost ($16.36). Mr. Damaske stated that since the city garage is also using water from the system the total bill should be paid by the city. The committee decided further discussion on the above matters would be continued on June 8, 1977. Mayor Gottfried and Ald. Pienkos recommended that the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee look at the utility problems of the city garage and Muskego Fine Arts, Inc. before the June 8th meeting of the Welfare Committee. Ald. Pienkos asked Mr. Damaske to present to the committee all utility bills for the past year before that meeting. All members of the Welfare Committee will receive a copy of the sewer usage and electric bills for the Muskego Fine Arts, Inc. Discussion on the well will be at a future date. Mr. Damaske, speaking for the Muskego Fine Arts, Inc. and the Museum Board, wanted • to emphasize they will never ask the City of Muskego for funds. Ald. Dumke and the above named constituents requested from the Welfare Committee consideration for an investigation into the noise pollution, health hazard effecting children, long hours and lack of • proper barriers near the gun club on Big Muskego Lake. Complaints were made to the Muskego Police Department. A directive from the Muskego Police Report issued in October, 1976, over a two -week period, indicated no violations were found. Residents on the lake complained the shooting is greatest during the spring and summer, beginning as early as 10.00 A.M. and lasting until 10:30 P.M. seven days a week. Ald. Dumke expressed concern regarding the excessive speeds on Boxhorn Drive by people using the gun club. Mayor Gottfried stated the city controls the licensing and expansion of • gun clubs. In the case of the Boxhorn Gun'Club Permit the present zoning permits taverns and gun clubs. He indicated the Common Council could amend the Firearms Ordinance regulating the days and hours of shooting. He recommended the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee review the Firearms Ordinance. The committee agreed to send a letter to all gun club owners reminding them of their responsibility to abide • by the hours established in the Firearms Ordinance. • Public Welfare Committee May 17, 1977 • Page 2 The committee also agreed to recommend to the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee that they consider the possibility of reducing the permitted shooting hours and that shooting on Sunday be prohibited. It was 40 agreed to contact Chief Kraus regarding the speeding on Boxhorn Drive and to determine the extent of the false alarms from the Boxhorn Gun Club. Mayor Gottfried was directed to review existing legal opinions relating to gun clubs. Mayor Gottfried indicated that all gun club owners should be interviewed regarding the complaints and any proposed changes in the ordinance. Ald. Constantineau requested the Welfare Committee change the meeting time to the second and fourth Wednesday of the month at 6:45 P.M. He also requested the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee meet at 8.30 P.M. on the same days. Ald. Pienkos stated many calls have been received regarding Ordinance #324. People want an interpretation of the last paragraph. The Welfare Committee will issue a press release to explain Ordinance #324 relative to garbage refuse and receptacles. Correspondence received from Ald. Van Lanen regarding communications with Police Chief Kraus were reviewed. Discussion was deferred regarding the regulation of rummage sales until the next meeting. Discussion regarding excessive water usage problems was held. The committee recommended the Rules, Laws;&Ordinance Committee consider regulating the'use of water during excessively dry periods. They also would like the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee to look at the possibility of formulating an ordinance which would regulate the use of water from community wells. Ald. Pienkos indicated he will contact an expert in water conservation and water quality from the University of Wisconsin for his thoughts on the matter. Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Van Lanen, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8.30 P.M. • Respectfully submitted, Thomas J. Van Lanen, Sec'yt TVL/je