• The meeting was called to order at 6:45 P.M. by Ald. Pienkos. Also
present at the meeting were Aldermen Constantineau, Van Lanen and
Wallner, Mayor Gottfried, Zoning Officer Lee, Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Sorkan and Mr. Charles Damaske.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file.
The committee reviewed the odor problem of the Wauer Rendering Plant
•with Ald. Constantineau. He informed the committee the Department
of Natural Resources has expressed concern regarding the problem and
have indicated they are willing to work with the city and Mr. Wauer
to solve the problem. Ald. Constantineau will keep the committee
The committee reviewed the lease agreement between the Muskego Fine
Arts, Inc. and the city. Several major issues regarding utilities,
maintenance and repair, insurance and destruction of the property by
fire and wind were discussed. Mayor Gottfried indicated he would
consult with City Attorney Buckley regarding clarification of
On Monday, May 1, 1977, Aldermen Pienkos, Constantineau and Van Lanen
were given a tour of the old Muskego Town Hall by Mr. Damaske. A
recommendation will be made to the Public Works Department that the
•ditch along the south lot line needs cleaning and the driveway and
the parking lot should be asphalted. The lease agreement will again
be discussed at the next meeting which will be held on May 17, 1977
at 6 30 P.M.
The committee reviewed the holding tank request of Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Sorkan. Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact City Attorney Buckley
to determine whether or not the Sorkan's request for a holding tank
can be approved since their application was submitted prior to the
adoption of Ordinance #325. A copy of the opinion will be sent to
Mr. and Mrs. Sorkan.
The bicentennial barn that had been obtained from the Kohnes has been
dismantled as of April 30, 1977.
Gerald Lee advised the committee that the Viola Kurtze property solid
waste problem has been rectified by covering the area and seeding
will take place in the very near future.
Mr. Lee advised the committee that the school bus parked adjacent to
Woods Road, west of Racine Avenue, will be removed when the tenant
in Ronnie Rae's duplex is evicted.
Mr. Lee advised that Mr. and Mrs. Weber, the new tenants at Dick's Farm
Market at the intersection of Kfghway 36 and Highway 45,have complied
4vo the restrictions and conditions established by the Plan Commission.
Mr. Lee submitted the quarterly report from the Waste Management of
Wisconsin which indicated total tonnage in the amount of 30,836.78 tens.
In answer to a question from Ald. Pienkos Mr. Lee advised that the
tonnage increases and decreases during certain periods throughout the
year aid that the amount reported was a normal fluctuation.
Ald. Pienkos advised that in the future the committee meetings may
commence at 6:30 P.M. in order to provide time to consider all of the
items on the agenda.
• Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Van Lanen. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:07 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Thomas J. Van Lanen, Seely.