PWM19770413PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING ON APRIL 13, 1977 The meeting was called to order at 7:10 P.M. by Acting Chairman Constantineau. Also present were Mayor Gottfried and Alderman Pienkos. The committee discussed the banning of holding tanks within the city. After a lengthy discussion, the committee reaffirmed it's prior decision to ban future holding tanks and will urge fellow Aldermen to approve Ordinance #325. Correspondence will be sent to Mr. Tom Barris, Mr. & Mrs. Ed Budish, Mr. Ed Ross and Mr. Don Berg, advising them that if they apply for a holding tank prior to the adoption of Ordinance #325, (April 2bth), that the Public Welfare Committee will recommend approval to.the Common Council, subject to the following conditions: 1. County Health Board's approval. 2. Building permit shall be taken out by November 1, 1977. Committee requests a report from Building Inspector Lee regarding • the dumping of solid waste on the Viola Kurtze property. The committee strongly supports the action being taken by Building Inspector Lee in this matter. Ald. Wallner requests Building Inspector Lee to investigate the school bus parked on the southside of Woods Road near Hwy. Y. Ald. Constdntineau brought to the committee's attention the excessive blowing of paper at the City landfill site. Ald. Constantineau would like to see this situation corrected. Ald. Constantineau brought to the committee's attention that he has had several calls from residents regarding the rendering plant. The committee reviewed the lease agreement between the city and Muskego Fine Arts, Inc. The committee read through the entire agreement, discussing items throughout the reading. The committee will attempt by the next meeting to resolve some of the items requested for clarification by Mr. Charles Damaske. Also, the committee will try to make arrangements to tour the Old Town Hall to gain a first hand look at the facility. •Ald. Constantineau moved to adjourn. Motion seconded by Ald. Pienkos. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Mark E. Pienkos