The meeting was called to order by Chairman Colburn at 7 05 P.M.
Also present were Aldermen Constantineau and Pienkos, Mayor Gottfried,
Mr. Scott Krause, Mr. Robert Klenz, Mr. and Mrs Ed Budish and Mr
George Morris of the Waukesha County Health Department.
Mr. Scott Kruase appeared before the committee to discuss the sub -
divider's agreement for the Country Club Oaks development. Dis-
cussion centered on the capacity of proposed holding tank and the
amount of the bond to insure that the entire sewer system is
maintained by the residents of Country Club Oaks Subdivision.
The committee agreed to recommend to the Common Council approval
of a 16,000 gallon holding tank and an assurety bond in the amount
of $5,000.00.
Mr. George Morris, Waukesha County Health Officer, appeared before
the committe to discuss holding tanks in the city. He advised the
committee that the County had previously denied a request for a
holding tank to serve the Country Club Oaks development. He
indicated that the County will not approve holding tanks for the
purpose of development of land (State Code #865.) The committee
noted that Mr. Krause, as a result of that denial, filed for
approval of the subdivision and its sewer system with the DNR.
They further noted that the DNR had previously indicated they
would approve the system if the city owned it. The committee
will review the entire matter at its next meeting. Chairman
Colburn indicated he would contact Mr. Krause regarding the
questions raised.
Discussion took place regarding the allowing of holding tanks
within the city. Mr. Ed Budish appeared before the committee
to question what the city intended to do regarding this matter.
Ald. Pienkos moved, seconded by Ald. Constantineau, to recommend
Council approval of Ordinance #325 prohibiting the use of holding
tanks for new residential construction. Motion carried.
Correspondence from Gerald Lee regarding the Kenneth Kerr and Viola
Kurtze properties was received and placed on file.
The committee requested Mayor Gottfried to invite ➢4r. Alvin Schaefer
to attend the next committee meeting to discuss the.phase out of his
farm operation once the development of Wildflower Subdivision begins.
The committee deferred discussion on the city's lease with Muskego
Fine Arts, Inc.
• Ald. Constantineau moved, seconded by Ald. Colburn, to recommend to
the Common Council approval for holding tanks for Mr. Berg, Mr. Ed
Ross and Mr. Tom Barris. Motion carried two to one, These
individuals will be notified of this decision,
Ald. Pienkos requested that the possibility of bus transportation
from Muskego to the Milwaukee area be looked into by the committee.
Ald. Constantineau moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Colburn, motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 8.40 P,M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark E, Pienkos, Sec'y.