The meeting was called to order by Chairman Colburn at 7:10 P.M. Also
present were committee members Constantineau and Pienkos, Mr. Jeff
LaBonte and Mr. Gary Simon of Rite Realty, Mr. Done Berg, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Barris, Building Inspector Lee, Mayor Gottfried, Mr. Ed Ross and
Ald. Wallner.
•Mr. Berg, W181 S8244 Pioneer Drive, Muskego, appeared before the
committee to find out if the city would allow him to install a
holding tank. He informed the committee that the county ,has denied
his request as of March 7, 1977. The committee informed Mr. Berg of
the pending decision by the Welfare Committee to halt further instal-
lations of holding tanks.
Mr. Ed Ross appeared before the committee to request a holding tank
and after a brief discussion was also informed of the pending decision
of the Welfare Committee.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Barris, 9100 W. Cold Spring Rd,, Greenfield, appeared
before the committee to request a definitive decision on the committee s
policy of holding tanks because they have a valid offer to purchase
on a parcel of land. The committee informed Mr. and Mrs. Barris that
a written rejection of their holding tank request must come from the
Waukesha County Health Board. They were also informed that it is
possible, although not likely, that if the city'vere willing to approve
a limited number of holding tanks the County Health Board might approve
them also.
The committee is awaiting the City Attorney's amendment to the ordinance
regulating holding tanks. The committee will contact Mr. George Morris
and Health Board members of the Waukesha County Health Department on
what their policy is going to be on holding tanks and whether or not a
decision by the city to permit some holding tanks would affect that policy
Mr. LaBonte and Mr. Simon of Rite Realty appeared before the committee
to explain the Kristin Downs disclaimer and agreement. The committee
reviewed the disclaimer with Mr. LaBonte and Mr, Simon. Several items
in the disclaimer were discussed and clarified.
The committee requested Mayor Gottfried to invite Mr. Alvin Schaefer to
attend the next committee meeting.
Building Inspector Lee presented to the committee a study that indicated
that there are 216 vacant parcels of land without improvements in non-
severed areas.
Correspondence from the Muskego Lakes Country Club was received and
placed on file.
Ald. Constantineau moved to adjourn. Seconded by Aid. Colburn. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Ald. Mark E. Pienkos, Sec'y.