PWM19770223PUBLIC WLIA'Alf.e: �:t,tdf'11TTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF M111,,T1F;; HELD FEBRUARY 23, 1.977 . The meeting was called to order by Chairman Colburn at 7,05 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Constantineau and Pienkos, Mayor Gottfried, Mr. Charles Damaske, Mr. and Mrs. James Budish, Mr. Willard Bertram, Mr. Steve Pisclike, Mr. and Mrs. Rd Budish, Sr., Building Inspector Lee and Sgt. Robert Klenz. The minutes of J,c • ;oi , meeting were reviewed and placed on file. 0& Mr Damaske appc;,,red before the committee again to discuss the city's departments use of Old Town Hall. Mr. Damaske is concerned about the Publi.,; Works Department and the Parks & Recreation Department's use of water, heat and other facilities since presently the lease between the Muskego Fine Arts and the City of Muskego leaves sole responsibility of the building to the Muskego Fine Arts. The committee will look into the possibility of amending the lease to indicate use by the city's departments and also percentage of responsibility in any future repairs. Also discussed wa.F. the: possibility of allowing only members of the Muskego Fine Arts to have keys to the building. This matter will be discussed at a future meeting. Ald. Constantineau moved to refer to the Finance Committee a repair bill in the amount of $32.76 for a broken water pipe for repayment. • Seconded by Ald Pienkos, motion carried. It was agreed that city use of water is minimal yet the repair bill occurred because of the city's • request to keep heat in the building to maintain water lines (Muskego Fine Arts wanted to keep water off and only open it up when it is used). All concerned parties were to receive a copy of the lease. Also to be determined is what the proper sewer charge is to be for the Old Town Iiall. The lease is open for renegotiation in November, 1977. A discussion on the banning of future holding tanks in the city took place. Chairman Colburn explained to those present what had been discussed at the previous meeting. Ways to solve the problem for residents who have owned lots for several years and would like to subdivide were discussed at length. The pros and cons of a holding tank ba.n were thoroughly discussed. The matter will continue to be discussed at the next meeting. In the meantime, Building Inspector Lee is to investigate the number of pre-existing lots Correspondence was received and placed on file regarding the correction of holding tank problem at Hillside Tap. Mr. Ray Gray of Rite Realty Co. will be invited to the next meeting to discuss the Kristin Downs disclaimer. Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Constantineau, Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8.45 P.M. • Respectfully submitted, Mark E. Pi.enkos, Acting Sec'y.