• The meeting was called to order by Chairman Colburn at 7;,00 P.M.
Also present were Aldermen Constantineau and Pienkos, Mr. Charles
Damaske, Mr. George Morris, Mayor Gottfried, Norb Stefaniak and
Ald. Wallner.
Mr. Damaske appeared before the committee to discuss the excessive
use of water by the Park and Recreation Department at the Old Town
Hall. He also brought up some other concerns that affect the
Public Works Department. Also, a bill in the amount of $32.76
for repair of a broken water pipe in the Old Town Hall which has
0 been paid and reimbursement may be in order. After some discussion
it was was decided to invite Supt. Bertram and Park and Recreation
Director Steve Pischke to the next Welfare Committee meeting on
Wednesday, February 23rd in order to resolve this situation before
M r.George Morris of the Waukesha County Health Department appeared
before the committee to express the views of the county on holding
tanks. He indicated there are many reasons why the county is
against the spread of holding tanks, namely health and financial
considerations. Also, Muskego is the only municipality within the
county that is presently allowing holding tanks for new construction
as a policy. Ald. Colburn moved to direct the City Attorney to draft
an amendment to Ordinance #305 which would prohibit holding tanks
for new construction. Seconded by Ald. Constantineau. Motion
. carried unanimously.
Ald. Pienkos submitted a request that the Welfare Committee contact
the city attorney to determine the purpose of the Kristin Downs
disclaimer and its relationship to the developer's agreement. The
committee directed Mayor Gottfried to contact City Attorney Buckley
on this matter and further, to have the city attorney pay particular
attention to the questions that have been raised regarding the
apparent conflict between the disclaimer and the developer's
Ald. Pienkos brought before the committee a request that they
look into the feasibility of providing public bus transportation
on Highway 24. The matter will be studied at future meetings.
Ald. Colburn discussed with the committee a complaint he had
received from Mr. Leonard Vandervest, W198 510951 Racine Avenue,
regarding the refusal of the city to permit him to dump fill on
his property. It was noted by the committee that the problem of
filling vacant lots in the Lake Denoon area was discussed by the
Public Works Committee and that the building inspector's office
has been directed to make an on -site inspection before the fill
request is granted. Mayor Gottfried advised the committee that he
had been directed by the Public Works Committee to notify all
contractors working on the Norway Sewer Project and advised him
. that no fill shall be dumped in the City of Muskego without prior
approval from the Building Inspection Department. The Vandervest
matter will be discussed with Building Inspector Lee.
The committee reviewed a report from the Waukesha County Health
Department regarding several violations of the State Health Code
as well as the holding tank ordinance of the city. Of particular
concern to the committee was the failure of the owners to pump
the holding tank as required in Ordinance #305. The committee
directed Building Inspector Lee to review the matter and if the
violation still exists to have the holding tank pumped and the
cost charged against the bond presently held by th(a city.
Correspondence was reviewed and placed on file.
The committee directs Mayor Gottfried to send pertinent information
to DNR Environmental Engineer, Mr. John M. Eckroth, dealing with
odor problems at the rendering plant.
The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
MP/je Mark E. Pienkos, Seely.