The meeting was called to order by Chairman Colburn at 7:30 P.M. Also
present were committee members Pienkos and Constantineau, Mayor Gottfried
and Ald. Wallner and Building Inspector Lee.
• The following citizens were present to discuss the status of their
request for the removal of the $1,000.00 cash bond for holding tanks:
Mrs. Richard Thode
Mrs. Jos. Smukowski
Mr. John Moravec
Mr. Nick Zahropoulos
Mr. and Mrs. Hoernke
Chairman Colburn reviewed with those present the materials the city
has received from the City Attorney and the State Department of
Social Services regarding the matter. Ald. Pienkos moved to recommend
to the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee that Ordinance #305 regarding
regulations for holding tanks be amended by removing the $1,000.00
cash bond requirment and replacing that requirement with a different
kind of bond, possibly a surety bond.
• A discussion was also hold on whether people with holding tanks could
use the city's treatment plant to dispose of their holding tank waste.
Chairman Colburn explained the problems the city could encounter if
this were permitted and the committee agreed that it would not be
possible at this time. However, Chairman Colburn also indicated that
his position on the matter could change if the City of Milwaukee
would no longer permit the dumping of holding tank waste into the
metropolitan sewer system.
Mr. Ray Gray and Mr. Jeff LaBonte appeared to discuss with the
committee the proposed deed restractions for Kristin Down Subdivision.
The committee reviewed with Mr. Gray each item in the deed restrictions
and questionedwhether or not some were not overly restrictive, partic-
ularly those sections dealing with color of roofs, prohibition against
tents and restrictions of certain motor vehicles. Mr. Gray pointed out
to the committee that although they did limit a roof color in those
instances where a different color did not conflict esthically with
adjacent homes they have permitted other colors as is provided for in
Section 3.19. He indicated that Section 3.11 entitled, Temporary and
certain other Structures, related only to the prohibition of temporary
living quarters while a home is being constructed. He indicated that
in no way did that section not permit the use of tents, etc, for rec-
reational purposes. In regard to Section 3.22, Restrictions on Certain
Motor Vehicles, Mr. Gray pointed put that they did allow the storage
of motor homes, etc. as long as they were not stored in the front or
side yards, however, they are permitted as long as proper storage is
assured in the back yard. The section does, however, prohibit the
storage of semi -trailers, tractors or any large truck on the lot.
Mr. Gray also advised the committee that the by-laws of the association
covered other concerns expressed by the committee. Mr. Gray advised
. the committee that new federal laws require the filing of any documents
Public Welfare Committee - cont'd.
• August 25, 1976
Page 2.
relating to the subdivision and further requiresthat every person who
purchases property in the subdivision must receive a copy of all
materials filed with the federal government. He advised the committee
• that approval by the federal government of all documents could be
delayed 30 to 60 days if they were not able to file the material by
September 1, 1976. He requested informal approval of the documents
in order that they could be filed. The committee noted that most of
the suggestions and concerns will be taken care of and agreed to permit
the filing of the documents. Ald. Pienkos moved to recommend to the
Common Council approval of the deed restrictions for Kristin Down
Subdivision. Seconded by Ald. Constantineau, motion carried.
The meeting recessed in order that citizens wishing to appear before
the Rules, Laws & Ordinance Committee could be heard. The meeting
reconvened at 9:52 P.M.
Mr. Dave Taube and Mr. Larry Schneider of the Advisory Board of the
Little Muskego Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District joined the
• meeting to discuss their roll as advisors to the commissioners. Mr.
Schn e ider discussed some of the concerns of the advisory committee,
particularly, the need for better communications and how it can be
established. Discussion was held on what improvements can be made in
order that the advisory committee can more effectively serve the
commissioners. It was agreed that the following recommendations would
be made to the commissioners at their next meeting: ((1) An alderman
will be appointed to the Advisory Committee. (2) The commissioners
will meet once a month following a regular Council meeting from May lst
through September. (3) The results of action on recommendations from
the Advisory Committee will be sent to its members. (4) The date of
the meetings of the Advisory Committee will be placed on the official
city calendar. (5) The monthly meetings of the Advisory Committee
will be held on the second Wednesday of each month in the city hall.
Ald. Constantineau asked Building Inspector Lee if inspections of
the Thomas Landfill are continuing. Building Inspector Lee advised the
committee that they are and that a written report will be submitted.
Ald. Constantineau advised the committee that he felt some of the odor
problems which the residents of his district felt were coming from the
rendering plant could actually be coming from the landfill site. Building
• Inspector Lee advised the committee that Waste Management had inadvert-
antly uncovered a portion of the landfill which did create an odor
problem. He indicated that the problem has been solved and should not
re -occur.
Ald. Pienkos informed the committee that there are instances
of the parking of trailers and vans and antique cars in driveways
in the First Ward which is contrary to the city's municipal code.
•At the request of Building Inspector Lee Ald. Pienkos will submit
a list of the violations in order that proper action can be taken.
Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Constantineau, motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 11:19 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark E. Pienkos, Sec'y.
Public Welfare Committee
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