The meeting was called to
order by Chairman Colburn at 6:30 P.M.
Also present were committee members Aldermen Constantineau and
Pienkos, Mayor
Aldermen Wallner and Dumke.
The following persons were
also present at the meeting:
Mr. Frank Schultz
- DNR, Water Quality
Mr. Skip Glor
- DNR, Solid Waste Management
Mr. Jerry Rayeske
- DNR, Natural Resource Specialist
Mr. Bernie Schultz
- DNR, Asst. Dist. Director - SE Dist.
Oscar J. Druml
- The Druml Coupany, Inc.
Mr. Elmer Lauer
- Waste Management
Mr. Carl Wauer
Mr. Alvin Basse
The committee discussed with representatives of the DNR the matter
of spreading wastewater residue on farm lands. Mr. Bernie Schultz of
the DNR advised the committee on studies that had been made by the
University of Wisconsin and the DNR on the contents of the liquid
residue as it relates to heavy metals, pathogens, odors, etc. He
explained that the recommendations made to the DNR after the study
indicated that there was no adverse affect and that it was a good
method of disposing of wastewater residue. Mr. Schultz advised the
committee that the procedure presently used by the DNR requires
that Mr. Druml send them a copy of the soil map of the farm to be
used as well as to the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage Commission,
the Waukesha County Health Department and the city involved. He
indicated that staff member Jerry Rayeske, Natural Resource Spec-
ialist, checks the soil area and recommends what needs to be done
as far as control of the application. Heavy metal content is
analyzed once a month and a report sent to the Milwaukee Metropolitan
Sewage Commission. In answer to a question about the negative aspect
of the operation Mr. Schultz indicated that Wisconsin is the first
State to establish guidelines. He indicated that digested sludge
is markedly different from manure or septic effluent. All solids
are removed, ground up and placed in a digester and heated at 950
Fahrenheit for 30 days. This is called anirobic digestion. Following
the digestion the liquid is drawn off and stored in lagoons. The
wastewater being spread now has been stored since the beginning of
1968. Other requirements of the DNR are that no root crops should
be planted for one year after application and no residue should be
applied within 1,000 feet within a public well and 500 feet of a
private well or residence. In answer to a question relating to
monitoring of the application Mr. Schultz indicated that the DNR
has been checking every site but because of insufficient personnel
probably will not do so in the future. He suggested that the local
community might want to help monitor the application. Mr. Schultz
indicated that in checking a 23 acre site in May of 1976, after
one-half inch of rain, no runoff of residue was found. Ald. Wallner
asked several questions of Mr. Schultz including the concern of the
DNR of mercury in fish in Lake Michigan. Chairman Colburn advised
Ald. Wallner that Mr. Schultz had answered the questions previously
during his presentation and that the amount of mercury in fish was
irrelative to the question at hand. The question was asked if we
Public Welfare Committee
August 9, 1976
Page 2
• can't dispose of wastewater residue in Lake Michigan, why can we dis-
pose of it on agricultural land? Mr. Schultz indicated that the DNR
feels that if done properly and monitored properly there are a great
many benefits not the least of which is the adding of nitrogen and
phosphates to the soils. Chairman Colburn thanked the representatives
of the DNR for their interest in the matter. The committee agreed to
• postpone discussion until later in the meeting.
The committee discussed with Mr. Carl Wauer and Mr. Glor the DNR's
position on the Wauer Extractive Permit as it relates to the landfill.
Mr. Glor indicated that the present landfill site has been ordered
to be abandoned as of October 1, 1976, and that they are presently
considering a request for landfill permits in other areas adjacent
to the site presently licensed. Mr. Elmer Lauer of Waste Management
advised the committee that they have a request before the DNR to
extend the abandonment date to at least December 1, 1976 and pre-
ferably January 1, 1977.
Further discussion centered on the Wauer extractive operation and
its relationship to the landfill. The committee was advised by Mr.
Glor and Mr. Lauer of the many problems which are involved in the
licensing of a landfill site.
The committee returned to the matter involved in Resolution #122-76
regarding the application of wastewater residue on farm lands. The
committee agreed to recommend to Common Council that a minimum permit
fee of $25.00 should be charged. They also agreed that the Building
Inspection Department should be instructed to work with the DNR in
monitoring farm lands being used for the spreading of wastewater
residue. The committee also agreed that after a single application
the process will be reviewed by the Welfare Committee.
The committee was advised that a communication will be forthcoming
from the State Department of Agriculture advising the city that the
previous manditory $1,000.00 cash bond for holding tanks has been
removed and that the matter is left to the discretion of the local
Ald. Constantineau moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Pienkos.
• Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Leslie J. Constantineau, Sec'y.
Public Welfare Committee