PWM19760714PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO • MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 14, 1976 The meeting was called to order by Acting Chairman Constantineau at 7:10 P.M. Also present were Aldermen Pienkos and Wallner, Building Inspector Lee and Mayor Gottfried. Ald. Pienkos advised the committee on several complaints he has received regarding the Edward Hallada property located at S63 W13563 Janesville Rd. and the Edward Samolinski property located at W132 40 56492 Saroyan Ct. The complaints centered around weeds and junk which has accumulated on the property and garbage which is left at the roadside and dogs running loose. The committee directed Building Inspector Lee to inspect the areas and report back to the committee as to what action was taken. The committee discussed the eventual installation of a 30,000 gal. holding tank for the Country Club Oaks planned unit development. The discussion centered around the amount of the bond to be held by the city and the procedures through which the city can be assured of adequate protection and compliance. It was the committee's decision that since the size of the tank is considerably greater than that required for a single residence the bond should also be higher and established a figure of $2,500.00. The committee also decided that the developer's •agreement to be executed between the developers of Country Club Oaks Subdivision and the City of Muskego will have to include restrictions and controls regarding the use, placement, upkeep, etc. of the holding tank. The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file. The committee again discussed ways in which individuals requesting holding tanks from the city could guarantee proper maintenance and the city could be assured of the right to take the necessary action without requiring a $1,000.00 cash bond. The committee directed Mayor Gottfried to write to City Attorney Buckley to determine whether or not the city could enter into an agreement with owners of holding tanks whereby if it becomes necessary for the city to pump the tanks the cost of that action (if it were not paid for b y the homeowner) could be placed on the tax roll as a special assessment. The committee reviewed with Building Inspector Lee portions of Wisconsin Statutes 146.14 dealing with special assessments. The committee discussed Resolution #122-76, approval of Guidelines for Procedures of Wastewater Residue on Agricultural Lands, which was referred back to it. Ald. Constantineau moved to defer action for •two weeks until correspondence from nearby communities regarding their policy in the area of fees for spreading waste water residue on farm lands is received. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos, motion carried. The committee will secure from the DNR a copy of their rules and regulations and guidelines relating to this matter. A representative from the DNR will be requested to appear at the next meeting to discuss their guidelines and rules and regulations. Public Welfare Committee • Meeting held 7/14/76 Page 2. The committee discussed Resolution #132-76, entitled, Approving Renewal of Extractive Permit for Carl Wauer, which was referred back to it from the Council meeting. Ald. Wallner discussed some of his feelings towards the Wauer gravel operation. Following considerable discussion, Ald. Constantineau moved to recommend to the Common Council approval of the Extractive Permit under Conditional • Use Grant #20. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos, motion carried. Mrs. Parmenter, S103 W19814 Kelsey Drive, appeared before the committee to requestaholding tank for their home which is being moved to a new location on the same property. Ald. Constantineau reviewed with Mrs. Parmenter the requirements of the city regarding this matter, the need for a $1,000.00 cash bond and the many ramif- ications of the use of a holding tank. Mrs. Parmenter assured the committee she was fully aware of the procedure and had no objections. The Welfare Committee recessed at 9:00 P.M. and reconvened at 9:57 P.M. Ald. Constantineau brought before the committee his concern as to whether the Muskego Rendering Company is following the conditions • established by the Plan Commission in their Conditional Use. Grant. He was particularly concerned about that section assuring a minimum amount of odor. Mayor Gottfried was directed to contact the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture to determine whether the Muskego Rendering Company is following the procedures and rules and regulations required in their permit from the State. Mr. Carl Wauer will also be invited to the next Welfare Committee meeting to discuss the operation and his problems relating to this matter. • Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Constantineau, motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Z f Y,� Mark E. Pienkos, Sec'y. Public Welfare Committee MEP/je