The meeting was called to order by Chairman Colburn at 7:00 P.M. Also
present were Committee members Pienkos and Constantineau, Ald. Ford,
Mayor Gottfried, Zoning Officer Lee and Park and Recreation Director
Steven Pischke.
Several residents of the Rambo Subdivision met with the committee
to discuss problems relating to the street extension of Pleasant
View Drive from Lake Drive to the lake. Ald. Colburn reviewed
the problems of vehicles parked on the street, use of the area as
a boat launch and explained the relationship of Mr. Larsen's driveway
to the street extension. Mr. Pischke, Park and Recreation Director,
indicated that at the present time the Park and Recreation Department
had no plans for use of the area. He did indicate, however, that the
Public Works Department is using it for an unloading facility for the
weed harvester. Mayor Gottfried pointed out that since it is a public
street extension any major plans to use it for park purposes, etc.
by the Park and Recreation Department would require abandoning the
street extension which could also then create additional problems
as to ownership, etc. Considerable discussion took place centering
• mainly on the need for "No Parking" signs and where they should be
placed. Chairman Colburn indicated that the committee would probably
recommend creation of "No Parking" zones in the area to the Rules,
Laws & Ordinance Committee. Discussion was also held regarding the
need for "No Parking" signs along Pleasant View Drive and Lake Drive
in the vicinity of the Pleasant View Dr. extension. Ald. Colburn
suggested that the city create the "No Parking" zones from Lake Drive
to the lake and then monitor the situation to determine whether or
not excessive parking takes place on Pleasant View Drive and Lake
Drive in the vicinity of the access.
The committee also questioned whether or not citizens of the
area could put in their piers and use it for docking their boats. The
committee pointed out that since the area is a public street it could
not be permitted and that, in fact, since it is a public street it would
be available for use by everyone. The Welfare Committee agreed to
evaluate the need for boat launching facilities in the area.
A great deal of discussion with the residents took place on the
subject of boat launching sites in the city. A resident questioned
whether or not the city would object if the citizens in the area
maintained the site. It was agreed that the city would be grateful
• for the help, however, it was pointed out that the road extension
would remain public. Ald. Colburn moved to recommend to the Rules,
Laws & Ordinance Committee that "No Parking" zones be established in
the Pleasant View street extension from Lake Drive to the lake on
both sides of the street. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos, motion carried.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hansen, owners of the Hillside Tavern located at
W125 59706 N. Cape Rd., and Mr. Robert J. Palokonis, 5102 W19570 Kelsey
Dr., owner of the former Meads Tavern, appeared at the meeting regarding
a directive from the Waukesha County Health Department that they have
holding tanks installed. They were advised by the committee of the
requirement that a $1,000.00 cash bond be posted with the city and that
the city in no way will be liable for the maintenance of the holding
tank. Ald. Constantineau moved to recommend to the Common Council
Public Welfare Committee
May 26, 1976 - P. 2
that permission be granted to Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hansen and Mr.
Robert Palokonis to install holding tanks on their property as
• required by the Waukesha County Health Department.
Mr. Don Otter, representing Waste Management of Wisconsin, appeared
before the committee and presented a proposed hydrogeotechnical plan
which will be used in the future development of the landfill site.
Mr. Otter presented the committee with a plan called "elimination
of outwash areas". The committee discussed with Mr. Otter the status
of the landfill, their plans for the future and the present contract
between the city, Carl Wauer and Waste Management. Mr. Otter invited
all aldermen to tour the sanitary landfill site and urged the alder-
men to call him concerning any problems or questions they might have.
His phone number is 251-1030. Mr. Otter promised to send an addition
copy of the hydrogeotechnical study.
The minutes of the last meeting were received and placed on file.
• Zoning Officer Lee advised the committee that he will submit
regular reports to the committee on the status of the Thomas Land-
fill site.
Discussion was held regarding the recommendation of the Little
Muskego Lake Rehabilitation and Protection District's Advisory
Committee to the commissioners to place buoys around Little Muskego
Lake. Ald. Colburn moved to defer action on the proposal. Seconded
by Ald. Pienkos. Motion carried.
Police Chief Kraus and all water patrolmen to the next Public Welfare
Committee meeting. Ald. Pienkos will discuss with Judge Wittbrot
his views on possible violations on the lakes within the city.
Ald. Ford appeared to discuss with the committee the problems of
geese and other fowl raised by Mr. Jeschke. He advised the committee
that although Mr. Jeschke might be conforming to the Zoning Ordinance
the odor and nuisance created by the fowl should not be ignored.
Mr. Lee was directed to recheck ordinances to determine if there is
any violation.
• Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Constantineau, motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
I /
Mar E. Pienkos, Secretary