The meeting was called to order at 7:01 P.M. by Chairman Colburn.
Also present were committee members Constantineau and Pienkos, and
40 Aldermen Wallner and Dumke.
Mr. Allan Albrecht appeared at the meeting to discuss his proposed
holding tank. Mr. Albrecht was advised by the committee that the
city would hold his $1,000.00 cash bond until such time that municipal
sewers are available and that the city would in no way be liable for
maintenance. Correspondence from Waukesha County Health Department
which granted permission for Mr. Albrecht's holding tank was reviewed.
Correspondence was received from Building Inspector Lee regarding the
Thomas Landfill operation. The report indicated that as a result of
an inspection made on May 3, 1976, there was no evidence of items
being dumped into the landfill which were not in accordance with the
permit granted by the State and the City of Muskego. The report
also indicated that Mr. Daliege of W192 56666 Hillendale Drive, advised
• Mr. Lee that he had found evidence of aerosol cans, etc. which might
contaminate wells in the area if a sufficient quantity were deposited
at the site. Mr. Lee indicated that inspections would be made twice
a week to insure proper use of the dump site. Mr. Lee's report also
indicated that the DNR had inspected the site on Thursday, April 29,
1976, and found no violations.
The committee reviewed a report from Mr. Lee, dated 5/4/76, indicating
that, in his opinion, the presence of geese and other fowl raised by
Mr. Jeschke did not create a public nusiance. Mr. Lee also presented
the committee with copies of a petition signed by 19 nearby residents
indicating they did not object to the keeping of fowl on the property.
A communication, also from Mr. Lee, indicating that Mr. Jeschke owned
three acres and therefore the keeping of fowl did not violate the
city's zoning ordinance, was reviewed. Mr. Sullivan will be notified
of the findings of Mr. Lee.
Several communications from communities regarding the applying of
wastewater residue on agricultural lands were reviewed. Communications
will be forwarded to all aldermen.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and placed on file.
• Ald. Colburn appraised newly elected Aldermen Constantineau and Pienkos
on the matter of the Muskego Landfill site and operation.
Ald. Constantineau moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Pienkos. Motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Mark E. Pienkos, Sec'y.
Public Welfare Committee