The meeting was called to order by Chairman Colburn at 8:00 P.M. Also
present were committee members Constantineau and Pienkos, Mayor
Gottfried and Alderman Wallner.
• Motion was made by Ald. Colburn, seconded by Ald. Constantineau, to
elect Ald. Pienkos as secretary of the Public Welfare Committee. Motion
Mr. Robert Sullivan, W180 S6583 Hardtke Dr., appeared to discuss the
stench problem caused by geese and other fowl owned by neighbors.
The committee will review the city's Zoning Ordinance regarding this
matter and discuss it further at the next meeting. Zoning Officer Lee
to also review the matter and report back to the committee at the
next meeting.
The minutes of the previous meeting held 3/11/76 were reviewed and
placed on file.
• Zoning Officer Lee will submit a report on the progress of the
Thomas Landfill operation on the south side of Tans Drive between
Hillendale and Racine Ave. with particular attention being given to
determine whether or not he is complying with State and City regulations.
The matter to be reviewed at the next meeting.
Mayor Gottfried to contact several surrounding communities regarding
the application of wastewater residue on agricultural lands by the
Druml Co.
The committee reviewed the minutes of the Sewer Committee relating to
the charges imposed by the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage Commission
for dumping holding tank effluent into its system. Based on the
charges as shown in those minutes Ald. Colburn moved to deny the
request of Joseph Smutkowski to deposit holding tank effluent into
the city's sewer treatment plant. Seconded by Ald. Pienkos.Motion ganisd.
Mr. Allan Albrecht will be invited to appear at the next regular meeting
of the committee to discuss the city's regulations concerning holding
•Correspondence was received from the Bass Bay Lake Improvement
Association regarding the 1976 weed harvesting program, the po¢sib-
ility of the city dredging or cleaning drainage ditches around Bass
Bay and a request for a sewer study of the area.
Ald. Colburn moved to recommend approval of the request of the
Bass Bay Lake Improvement Association to harvest weeds (two cuttings)
at a total cost of $1,500.00 during the 1976 season. Seconded by
Ald. Pienkos. Motion carried.
• Copy of correspondence from Building Inspector's Office directed
to City Attorney Buckley, dated 2/12/76, regarding condemnation
of the A. M. Funk property located at S76 W18202 Janesville Road,
was reviewed.
The committee reviewed correspondence received from the Humane
Animal Welfare Society containing services offered by that organ-
ization. Information will be forwarded to the Police Department
and the local newspapers.
Public Welfare Committee
• April 29, 1976 - P. 2
Discussion took place regarding the request of the Little Muskego
Lake Association's request for aerators. The committee agreed to
consider the matter after it has been determined whether or not
the aerators which have been placed in Bass Bay are effective.
IS The committee discussed the recommendation of the Advisory Committee
of the Little Muskego Lake Protection and Rehabilitation District
concerning garbage collection within the district. The committee
noted that the Little Muskego Lake Association has a membership of
268 families all residing in the Little Muskego Lake Protection and
Rehabilitation District. They felt that a poll of those members
could aid the Commissioners in considering the recommendation. The
Lake Association will be requested to poll the members in their
next newsletter.
Ald. Colburn to review the Muskego Landfill operation with newly
elected Aldermen Pienkos and Constantineau at the next meeting
of the committee.
• Ald. Pienkos moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Colburn, motion
carried. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.
Respectfully su ed2 �:�
Ald. Mark E. Pienkos, Sec'y.
Public Welfare Committee
• MEP /je