PWM19750814PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD AUGUST 14, 1975 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Knudsen at 7:00 P.M. Also present were Alderman Wallner. A discussion took place relating to procedures by which correspon'demce is received and replied to within the committee. The committee is awaiting a report from the city attorney regarding the problem of barking dogs on School Drive. Mayor Gottfried joined the meeting at 7:15 P.M. The minutes of the meeting held July 10, 1975, were reviewed and placed on file. The committee will invite a representative of Waste Management to the next meeting to discuss their operation of landfill and trucking'through the city. Ald. Foldy arrived at 7:25 P.M. •The committee will invite Mr. Carl Wauer to the next meeting to review odors from his plant at certain times. Ald. Foldy presented a serious problem which has developed in Hale Park t Meadows Subdivision. It appears the water table in the single 1500 foot well serving the subdivision has dropped and can no longer produce the 500 gallons per minute as originally designed. There is also excessive air in the system. Countless complaints have been received. Rite Realty is aware of the problem and certain solutions are being considered. Ald. Knudsen moved to have Building Inspector Lee withhold any further Building Permits or Occupancy Permits for homes in Hale Park Meadows since there is insufficient water to serve them. Seconded by Ald. Wallner, motion carried. The committee will seek an opinion from City Attorney Buckley regarding legal ramifications of not issuing new building permits and occupancy permits in the subdivision and withholding final approval of the Guernsey Meadows Subdivision. The engineering firm of Ruekert & Mielke will review original engineering specifications of the well and report back to the committee. The committee further recommended that both fire departmentt*be notified of this water sit- uation. Ald. Foldy reviewed with the committee the continuing problem the city •is having with House of Homes on Janesville Road. He advised the committee that the screening originally required when the building was moved to its present location is not serving the purpose as originally intended and there is some doubt as to whether or not trees, shrubs, etc. were even planted. Attorney Buckley will be asked to review with the committee his actions against the House of Homes. Mr. Bertram will be asked to check for noxious weeds on the lot and to have them cut if they are present. • The committee recommended that the Public Works Department have "No trespassing" signs placed on the form Bluhm farm in order for the police department to be able to cite trespassers. \Ald. Foldy moved to adjourn, seconded by Ald. Knudsen, motion carried The meeting adjourned at 8:30 P.M. \ Respectfully submitted, Charles P. Foldy, Sec'y. CF/je Pub i Wel r�mm tt