The meeting was called to order by Chairman Knudsen at 8:29 P. M..
Alsopresent were Alderman Wallner, Foldy, Mayor Gottfried, Inspector
Lee, Frank DeAngelis and Charles Damaske.
•Mr. Damaske explained that the Fine Arts, Inc. carry $500,000.00 Lia-
bility Insurance on the Old City Hall. The City of Muskego carries
the Fire and Wind Damage in the amount of approximately $25,000.00
The use of Old City Hall as a meeting place for the Cleveland Dog
Training Co., was reviewed. The lease allows sub -letting for cultural
and civic purposes. The Common Council will be appraised of this
situation and their concurrence sought. Mr. Damaske presented cost
data pertaining to the renovation of Old City Hall which will be made
available to all of the councilmen. Mr. Damaske requested that the
land to the south and to the rear of the building up to the old city
garage be paved, Mayor Gottfried will review this with the Public
Works Director.
Mr. Norman Thomas called and said because of the inclement weather he
• would not be able to attend this meeting.
An application for a Holding Tank from Richard Hoernke, W162 57944
Bay Lane P1., was received. Committee deferred action until property
could be viewed.
An Emergency Operation Simulated Exercise will be held on Friday,
May 2, 1975 by the Civil Defense Official and Department Heads. A
briefing will be held for all Officials and Department Heads on
April 10, 1975, anyone wishing to attend may do so.
Committee requests a detailed report and alternatives regarding the
residence of Eugene Moritz on Hillview Dr. prior to the next Welfare
Committee meeting.
Committee requests a detailed report regarding the unsightly appear-
ance of the boat and trailer storage at Muskego Marine on Janesville
Road prior to the next Welfare Committee meeting. A letter to Mr.
Langfeldt, owner of Muskego Marine, will be sent inviting him to
attend our next meeting.
Mayor Gottfried will have Mr. Bertram arrange for plowing, discing,
. etc. the Bluhm Farm for use as garden plots.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 P. M..
Charles Fold y, Sec y.