• The meeting was called. to order at 7:15 P.M. by Chairman Alderman Richard.
Knudsen. Also present were committee members Wallner and Foldy, Mayor
Gottfried, Inspector Lee and Ald. Dumke.
The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed. Ald. Knudsen moved to
amend the Welfare minutes of July- .'ll, 1974, to read Chairman Alderman
Knudsen instead of Alderman Knudsen. Seconded by Ald.. Wallner, motion
Mr. Russell Paepke and.Mr. Robert Unger appeared regarding D. Dougherty
of Boxhorn Drive. Inspector Lee reported that a deadline date of July 31,
1974, was set to remove excess fowl. _.___ =_ a_t`-.� s
The committee is awaiting results of County Health Department survey of
septic systems on Big Muskego Lake. Mayor Gottfried to contact the County
Health Department.
Mr. Paepke inquired. regarding the Bass Bay Sportsman's proposed building.
Mayor Gottfried. to review previous floodplain resolutions andreport
to committee.
•Residents in the area of House of Homes are filling in back lot line at
their own expense thus eliminating the drainage problem referred.previously
to Public Works Committee.
Mayor Gottfried reported that resolution regarding weed.removal district
will be available at next meeting.
Ald. Knudsen reported on Moritz problem - no solution at this time. Some-
time after August a possible solution may be found.
Ald. Knudsen reported no activity at Tans Drive landfill site.
Ald. Knudsen presenteda sample form to be used -for reserving city facilities
for meetings. Mayor Gottfried to correspond with surrounding communities
for sample policy statement.
The meeting was recessed at 8:35 P.M. to await the return of Inspector Lee.
The meeting reconvened at 10:00 P.M. and the following matters were
Froehlich property - zoning officer to report at next meeting
Kafura - committee granted extension to August 15, 1974
• Vacant lot on corner of Lincoln Dr. and Hwy 24 owned by Mr. Kingston.
Letter from Mr. Kingston authorizing Inspector Lee to take whatever
action is necessary to bring lot into conformance. Public Works to do
the work on a time and material basis.
C & M Builders - suit pending
Margaret Peterson - suit pending
Tri-town Homes - suit pending
Nuisance of refrigerated truck compressor noise - Inspector Lee sent
correspondence to Welfare Committee and, City Attorney Buckley for
ruling and legal advice.
Hallada - case still pending action by Plan Commission.
The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M.
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Charles P. Fold.y, Se y.
Public Welfare Committee