PWM19740711PUBLIC WELFARE COMMITTEE - CITY OF MUSKEGO MINUTES OF MEETING HELD JULY 11, 1974 WThe meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M. by Ald. Knudsen. Also present ere Aldermen Wallner, and Foldy and Mayor Gottfried. Also in attendance were Ald. Colburn and Gerald Lee. Regarding the $1,00.00 bond for Bass Bay Sportsmants Club holding tank, • Mayor Gottfried to contact the club to notify them that the Municipal Code does require a bond, therefore the city cannot waive same. A copy of Zoning Officer Lees letter, dated 7/2/74, to City Attorney uckley regarding the raising of fowl on a parcel which is not of sufficient rea by D. Dougherty, W140 S9319 Boxhorn Drive was received. Mr. Dougherty as retained an attorney stating that with riparian rights adequate land is availble. Waukesha County Health Department is in the process of testing septic discharge from all properties abutting Big Muskego Lake. The committee is awaiting re- sults of such test on D. Dougherty property. The committee is requesting a report from Zoning Officer Lee regarding ways and means of cleaning up the C. Froelich property on Hillendale Drive. The committee is encouraging property owners in the vicinity of House of Homes in Fountainwood Subdivision to meet for the purpose of discussing water problems on lot line and a possible solution. The committee is awaiting resolution from Attorney Buckley regarding the •establishment of a weed removal assessment district. Ald. Knudsen to contact Mr. Moritz regarding relocation of resident in case of condemnation. Zoning Officer Lee reported on the following: Couture - House of Homes Hallada Construction Yanney Ferber Kafura C & M Builders Margaret Peterson Tri-Town Homes House of Homes In Committee The Plan Commission is awaiting revised construction plans and removal of footings and excavation Property Cleaned Up Property Cleaned Up Suit Pending Suit Pending Suit Pending Suit Pending Suit Pending Ald. Knudsen reported that there has been no activity at the Tans Drive Landfill Site. • Rules and Regulations for use of city facilities will be drawn up by Ald. Knudsen. �he following items are under consideration: Review of Inspection Department In Committee Dredge Disposal Area Wai.t.ing for Engineer's Report The committee is recommending to Council the approval of installation of holding tank for John I. Moravac on Holz Drive. tuld. Foldy brought up a problem of refrigerated trucks annoying neighbors ring late night and early morning hours. Zoning Officer Lee had no solution r the problem and will consult with Attorney Buckley regarding same and report back at the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:20 P.M. CF/je 1\ Resp �tf ly�bm' ted, harles P. Foldy